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First of all I'd like to thank you for reading my post and providing any insight you may have.

I had my takedown surgery about a year and a half ago; my J pouch had been working fairly well since I recovered from that. On October 13th I started having periodic cramping pain like I haven't felt since right after surgery. The pain was fairly sharp and intense, but it lasted only a few seconds. I was also experiencing minor flu like symptoms. Fatigue, soreness, very mild nausea.

On the 15th my temperature went up to 102. I took some acetaminophen and the fever was gone in a few hours. The fever has not returned since then.

Over the next few days the cramps became less frequent, though I was still a little bit fatigued. By Monday I was feeling quite a bit better, but then I started seeing more blood than normal in my stool. It doesn't seem to be a huge amount, but it's enough to make the bowl redish. Certainly more than what I'm used to seeing on the TP. I should add that as of today I haven't had any painful cramps.

Overall, no single symptom has been especially terrible, and it seems odd that they would appear one after another like that. Does this sound like something that could be caused by pouchitis? If it were an infection I would have expected the fever to come back. Should I bother making an appointment with my doctor yet? Or should I give it a few more days to see if the minor bleeding sorts itself out like the rest of the symptoms?

Thanks again for your time.
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Could be pouchitis, or just a bout of food poisoning or a rotovirus. Since it seems to be resolving on its own, there's no harm in seeing if this trend continues. Of course, should you relapse, you should call your doctor. Pouchitis can start like this, sputtering and going between remission and relapse before you realize it is there to stay. My first bout of full blown pouchitis was after a case of food poisoning.

One troubling thing though, is that you mention bleeding more than you are used to. Ordinarily, bleeding regularly is not considered normal. It is possible you have been running around with cuffitis all this time and it is just now getting worse.

Jan Smiler
It sounds like my symptoms before I received a cuffitis diagnosis. It didn't continually fill the bowel. I'd have a major bowel filling with actual dripping out after a BM, then some times when I wiped and then no blood. Pouch scope confirmed cuffitis. I have more frequency and watery BM's are less painful that firmer ones. This is why I rarely take Imodium.

I think I had it for months before getting anything done as thought it was part of the "first year" of recovery. It is such a little dab of rectal tissue but I think a million nerves are right there as it can be awfully painful.

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