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My takedown was on Thursday oct 18 and by the second day I was having major bloating and cramping. I had my first bm on Friday. However, belly Is extended and hard. The graphite test was done twice 1 for leakage and obstruction. They put an anal tube to release pressure.Having alot of output We're considering ng tube but since I'm not throwing up dont need it.doc says it will resolve on its own. So frustrated, thd first surgery went great. I don't expect all these problems. Anybody else been thru this? They r also doing a c-diff test bc I am running a low grade fever.
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I had the exact same experience. It is most likely an ileus as the bowel has been slow to wake up. Walk as much as possible. I actually was vomiting and they tried to nose tube me twice unsuccessfully. Actually, after I vomited several tins I started to feel better and my bowels eventually woke up. Watch the pain meds as they slow everything down. Good luck. I was tested for cdiff too snd it was negative. I found the takedown more difficult than the first surgery
I've had an NG tube at two different times for 3 days at a time and I was scared as well the first time because I didn't know what to expect. It sucks going in and coming out but it helps so much. Way better than throwing up with a fresh incision. I was pretty uncomfortable while it was in but with the help of anti anxiety pills it was tolerable. Remember it will come out and isn't forever. Really important to move around a lot to get things moving.

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