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I was just curious if anyone else has been told this who has had blood work done. I have had my j pouch for 2 years now with minimal problems. The only issue I have had is anemia which I thought was just left over from my UC and surgeries. So I just finished up a series of 8 iron infusions and have been seen by a hematologist who did a ton of blood work on me. I saw him today and he said the only curious thing that showed up in my blood work is I am showing markers indicating inflammation as in UC or Crohns. He recommended I see my GI doctor as this may be why I am still dealing with anemia. I feel fine, my j pouch works fine. Is this something that i will always have show up in my blood work even though I had surgery for my UC or do I have something else brewing here? I'm just a bit taken back with this news.
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Marianne -
That is very interesting! I was told the same thing but my test was sent to the Prometheus Lab in CA and the markers indicated Crohns for me. However, my recent sigmoidoscopy indicated UC to the GI doctor and the j pouch barium enema indicated ileitis. Not sure what this all means either! I go back to my surgeon and GI doctor beginning of Nov.
You have had your jpouch a lot longer that myself. I am 6 mos. takedown Oct. 30th.
I don't know what to think anymore. I will be very curious as to what your answers are. I wish I could help you out but I think I am in the same boat.

You know, I think my memory is just shot. Thinking back now I seem to remember my doctor saying just that. I have a call into my family doctor to go over my labs that he has a copy of to explain it all. The dr. I saw today is a hematologist so it's not really his area of expertise all this ibd stuff. I guess that's why he told me to go see a GI. Confusing!

1. What was figured out here - Is it normal to have some inflammation? My son ( who is on humira) has had his inflammation creeping up via blood tests but normal cal protectin. GI wants to do an endoscopy and pouchoscopy even though because of normal cal protectin she does not expect to find anything in pouch. She wonders about disease in stomach.


2. But my son is already on humira with good trough levels so what could even be done if there is inflammation?

I am dealing with this situation now. Diagnosed with UC, and had it for 25 years before surgery.  Five years  with pouch and pretty constant simmering inflammation (ulcers now)  that is getting harder to control with antibiotics and I have been diagnosed with enteritis as well.  But I also have an ongoing stricture at my connection that could be causing many of my symptoms.  

My GI feels certain I have UC. Surgeon is questioning Crohn's although all tests (promethius) SEVERAL scopes and biopsies over 25 years with UC and 5 years with pouch show no Crohn's. I am seeing my GI this week to discuss these findings and see if she changes medication treatment plan and can update others of my visits. I tend to agree with others on this forum who have indicated that the diagnosis at this time. after having a pouch. does not matter as much as getting the right treatment to save the pouch if it is giving us continual troubles.

 Also, my original surgeon told me more than once that most people with a jpouch do have some level of inflammation in their pouch even when they come in for routine update and are feeling fine. 



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