I had my surgeries in March 2007 and an adhesion surgery in March 2008. I have been fine since then other than a few dilations shortly after the first surgery.
I am newly married and was a virgin. I assumed that sex would be painful (as everyone mentioned) but hoped the pain would go away within a week. It has been 4 weeks as of tomorrow. I still have pain - mostly towards the back (which I assume is because that is close to the jpouch scar area) and when he gets about half way in (it is VERY uncomfortable at that point). Once he is in, it is ok as long as he doesn't hit hard against the backside as I mentioned.
I talked with my Gyno, but was on my period, so I couldn't get an exam. She will check it out soon to make sure there is no bad tears or anything.
Anyone have any similar issues or solutions? We have used plenty of lube (I'm on the pill, apparently that makes a big difference too), and lots of foreplay. Even tried having some alcohol. Any advice,or comments, support, or encouragement would be great!