What a long strange trip its been. I had a colectomy last summer and take down in September. Bowel and sleep and overall energy-wise, I am doing much better than before surgery. So there is some good news for some of you. But here are some issues I have now... that I wonder if others have experienced any of these. As soon as my takedown surgery was complete and I was healing....I started having what I think are arthritis issues in my fingers...stiffness, they get stuck, or sore feeling. Sometimes my joints are stiff and muscles ache. Mostly in arms and legs. When I move around, it gets better, but if I sit for a while, I'm all cramped up until I take about 10-20 steps. I also now have large white spots on my forearms and hands...like my skin pigment is disappearing. Kind of like what Michael Jackson supposedly had. I've done some quick research and all these issues seem to be auto-immune related. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and will be addressing these issues with him, but wanted to see what others have experienced or know about such things. I'm 51 and I joke to my wife...50...its the new 70! lol