Sorry, me again! It's now a little over five weeks post op, and I'm still having a lot of abdominal pain, especially when I go for a walk. The pain and discharge has stopped in the rectal area thank goodness! But I'm worried, is it uncommon to still have pain and bleeding this long after? Intibating is not a problem, but the stoma bleeds a lot, and when I flush my pouch I always see blood. Is this normal? My appetite is so so, but been eating mostly soft foods and soup, so what's with the pain, bleeding, and oh yeah, exhaustion? I have such low energy. What was your recovery like, did you have these problems five weeks post op? How long did it take to start feeling good? I also still have a heavy amount of discharge, leaks right through everything, will this slow as time passes? Thanks, for a gay man, I'm such a Koch virgin! Lol!!