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Sorry, me again! It's now a little over five weeks post op, and I'm still having a lot of abdominal pain, especially when I go for a walk. The pain and discharge has stopped in the rectal area thank goodness! But I'm worried, is it uncommon to still have pain and bleeding this long after? Intibating is not a problem, but the stoma bleeds a lot, and when I flush my pouch I always see blood. Is this normal? My appetite is so so, but been eating mostly soft foods and soup, so what's with the pain, bleeding, and oh yeah, exhaustion? I have such low energy. What was your recovery like, did you have these problems five weeks post op? How long did it take to start feeling good? I also still have a heavy amount of discharge, leaks right through everything, will this slow as time passes? Thanks, for a gay man, I'm such a Koch virgin! Lol!!

Eric Eeker
Original Post

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I answered your post in the general section but your exhaustion is normal post op exhaustion from major surgery plus anema from blood loss and lack of should be on some light suppliments by now but be careful with the iron suppliments because they can irritate your pouch in the begining...try 1/2 doses or every other day and a really good multi vitamin in a liquid or gummy form for now.
Since it is summer try blending yourself some fruit smoothies or faux-milkshakes with protien powder and egg yolks instead of milk or use boost.
The Pain is normal at this stage and will taper off after a while but expect at least 6 full weeks of pain and bleeding. AFter 8 weeks it should be over with and your pain should be managable.
Ps....big huggs
God love ya! Thanks sweetheart, I'm sure I'm just expecting too much too soon, just egar to get back to living, thanks to your kind words, love, and support, I know I'll be good soon! Next time you're in town, we have got to get together, keep me posted on the efforts to get Dr Cohen to train more surgeons up north, still interested in it, it's desperately needed! Talk soon, big hugs and smooches!
Hey Eric,
It's good to hear your valve is working so well. Hope that pain settles down fast for you now though. I read in another thread you were sleeping through the that's awesome in itself. If I get to that stage with a KPouch, that will rock(still haven't got one, but really hoping to have a chance at it). I haven't slept through a night since I had my colon out, so yeah, wow that would be so nice.

Well, keep healing man is all I can say, and i"m glad it's worked out so well for you. Just that pain to get rid of now. Can't be too much longer.


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