My rheumy thinks I have IBD arthritis but my new GI Doc doesn't think I have Crohn's? I had severe UC but my colon was removed 9 1/2 years ago. I always have ulcers on my anastomosis, this last one was over 1 cm, but I guess this is not IBD but rather compromised blood flow to that area. All I know is my life is not like it used to be. My shoulders and wrists hurt so bad today I couldn't pick up a phone, my toe joints are swollen, my low back is in constant pain, and I get massive migraines. My rheumy has loosely diagnosed me with Lupus but I think that was because my ANA and DNA was sky high after using remicade. He's hinted that he really thinks I have IBD arthritis rather than Lupus. Well, I was just told I don't have IBD. I don't get it? I take plaquenil, 10 mg prednisone, and topomax. I went into ovarian failure at 32 (41 now) from all of this crap too and take HRT. Can't take NSAID's for pain due to GI hemorrhages and transfusions. I take tramadol for pain but it really doesn't do much and narcotics slow my gut down too much due to the scar tissue. I feel hopeless right now, I don't get to this point very often but the lack of sleep from constant pain and feeling like I have no options and no-one really knows what's wrong is making me feel like I have no options. I'm even afraid to increase my prednisone because I almost died from my last GI hemorrhage and I'm not sure if the prednisone compromised my blood vessels. I guess I'm just having a bad flare and I need to toughen up....just getting old.