I have a painful cyst/abscess in the perianal, perivaginal area. At first, I was positive it was a Bartholin Cyst and went to my Gyno, who agreed. She gave me an antibiotic and told me to return if that didn't get rid of it. It seemed to be better for about 2 weeks after finishing the medication, but then all the sudden it came back, was larger and very painful. I went back, saw a different gyno at the same office, who said it's location might not actually be a Bartholin cyst, but just a regular cyst that has abscessed.
The location is odd, I can feel it at the edge of the vaginal opening, and the doctor could feel it inside, but it extends to the right, sort of up my butt check and back toward my anus. I'm worried that this might be an abscess my colo-rectal surgeon should be looking at rather than my gyno, like maybe it's coming from the pouch, or possibly could damage my pouch.
Despite medication to help reduce the size it's growing and it's becoming too painful to do anything but lay on my side. I have an appointment with my gyno to get it drained next week, but wonder if I should have the surgeon look at before I do anything. Thoughts?
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