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It took some time but after determining through much painful trial and error (sometimes denial and error) I cannot have sugar. Fruits and vegetables are OK but honey, dates, maple syrup are all a big no. Strange that I can have Tabasco on eggs but ketchup will put me in the bathroom for two days. That is hard to explain to people. What I am wondering is if anyone else has these kinds of issues and participates in endurance sports. I am a cyclist and am starting to try and get back into shape and I am looking for suggestions to stay hydrated and fueled. Found some good cookie type recipes with mostly oatmeal, natural peanut butter, bananas and a bit of cocoa powder. Also found Nuun active hydration tablets but have not tried them yet. Any other suggestions. I can't just grab a snickers and coke anymore. Going to miss that. Lol.
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A cyclist posted about NUUN 4 years ago after my take down. I have been using their hydration tablets since then. I like every flavor I've tried of the regular NUUN tablets and recommend you try them. IMO the "all day" tablets taste bad. The difference between them and regular NUUN is vitamins. They also have some with caffeine in them that taste good by I don't use them because of the caffeine.

I use to order them directly from NUUN but found they are cheaper on

I hope they work well for you!
I use Nuun as well. And agree with TE Marie, stay away from the ones with the Vitamins (they taste awful), but all the regular hydration flavors are pretty solid. I especially like the lime and grape--the grape actually tastes like green grapes, not grape juice, etc.

I can buy them at the grocery store locally.
Please post here after you've tried it. I don't think I'm having problems with sorbitol but I still have not mastered everything regarding my j-pouch.

ATXguy, if you want to get creative try mixing your NUUN flavors Wink I usually make 32 ozs at a time and it's interesting when I use 2 different tablets in doing so. I've never made a combo that I didn't like.
I'd missed the sorbitol, but that's not artificial. It's a naturally occuring sugar alcohol (apples, pears, etc), that can also be derived from glucose. Stevia is only in the All Day version.

Sorbitol has also been shown to be terrible for the GI tract, oddly enough mostly in the colon, though I've consumed it with no issues since my colectomy. YMMV.
...and the All Day tabs don't taste good so 2 reasons not to get them.

Not to muddy the discussion up but I also use a product called LYTE BALANCE. It is an electrolyte concentrate with no sweeteners, caffeine, colorings or calories. One 16 oz bottle is enough for 64 sports drinks equivalents (the bottle says so). When I get super dehydrated I use this. It costs around $25 from Amazon. I use 2 capfulls in 8 oz of water but you can put it in anything - hot or cold. Some coloned people use this type of product for hangovers. I tried another brand and liked this one the best.
I took the plunge and had some Nuun at lunch and was OK and had another about an hour ago at around 7:30pm just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Good news is my bum has not turned into a bottle rocket like it does with sugar products. I have to admit that I drank this with much apprehension and will use this product again.

I think I might still look into Lytebalance too. It is always nice to have options. Thanks for all the responses and asking me to write about how it went after trying it. I think I would have just kept looking at the package but never tried it out of fear. You can understand when your ass is on the line quite literally you think twice about things.

I am happy I finally joined this group rather than just reading things that were kind of what I wanted to know. Nice to know people are out there to help.
I like Nuun as well because its pretty cheap! Drip Drop ORS is another and is one of the big guns supposedly and is a medical grade hydration without sugar. If you're willing to pay a little extra, it seems to have a lot of good hydration benefits.
Coconut water is very good for hydration I have heard as well, but I do not like the taste that much.

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