My jpouch is still unconnected (have loop ileo), but I am scheduled for takedown surgery on Jan. 7th. Normally, I do not have any trouble emptying my jpouch of it's mucous and little bit of stool that gets down there. However, on 3 occasions, I have had trouble. Here's what happens. My ileostomy bag gets overly full for whatever reason (twice at night with gas and once when I was just super busy) and then I feel a strong cramping low in my abdomen. Feels like I need to go empty my jpouch. Most of the time, by the time I get to the bathroom, the cramping has stopped (it only lasts a minute or so) and I cannot empty the pouch. I don't strain because I have heard you are not supposed to. So, I get off the toilet and go about my day. About 15 minutes, it will happen again. If I am quick enough to get to the restroom while the cramping is happening, then I can empty the pouch. On these occasions, the jpouch has been way fuller than normal. The first time it happened, it happened at night and I got up 3 times that night and tried to empty, but couldn't. I could only empty when I ran to the toilet in the morning to catch it when it was cramping.
Do any of you all know what this is? My surgeon does not have an answer. My concern is that if this is how my jpouch acts when it is fuller, then when I have the takedown surgery, will I only be able to empty when it is cramping and I have to run to the bathroom quick in order to do it? I don't understand why I cannot empty it during these times when it is not cramping...
