--Hoping for better days
--Hoping for better days
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I sent you a PM message.
It sounds like PTSD which is very common with us and a lot of people who have been through the mill and then come out the other side only to have sudden physical symptoms.
You may be suffering from a simple flu but your brain has gone into overdrive and is in a panic...it is understandable. You may need some talk therapy (or just a lot of time with good friends who have large shoulders and kind ears) or some chemical help from something that can take the edge off.
A lot of us go through this stuff. Flashbacks, nightmares, claustrophobia, over or under-eating, sleeplessness, exhaustion, panic, shakes, sudden crying (at bad movies)...goodness, the list is long but it all amounts to the same thing. We went through hell. Now we are mostly better but our brains have jet-lag. Any upset can set us off and there is no hard fast rule as to when or how long it will last.
We are all here for you
i have been on prozac and welbutrin for years its got me through this past 10 years..complete meltdowns are not the norm for me i believe because of the drugs and oping methods i employ
anxiety at your level described is awful and its real so please address it asap..
I think it's safe to say these bowel issues just naturally give way to anxiety. I was diagnosed with PTSD a month before my latest surgery because I just couldn't hold it together. Meds from a Psychiatrist have helped tremendously while I've been going through this. It's worth looking into, even if going to the doctor one more time is the last thing any of us want to do.
I'm so sorry to hear about your difficulties. Good luck and know we are all here for you!
Apparently, tetris has a calming effect on PTSD! They say that playing it just after a trauma helps the brain process the trauma and prevents the post traumatic stress. They are testing post trauma with great results too.
So, you may wish to try it out...I have never played it but am considering it.
What could it hurt?
ps. I get great results with Mahjong Alchemie too.
So sorry to hear this. I too struggled with anxiety on and off after my surgery. I had emergency surgery and was hospitalized for 5 weeks. I came within hours of dying. Please understand that what you are feeling is not uncommon under the circumstances. I do believe that some of us can and do go on to develop a form of PTSD. Like you, I was fine for a while, but then a few years ago, I had some complications which terrified me, and I felt as if I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I have had therapy in the past (with mixed results, I must be honest. The first therapist I saw completely brushed over my medical history and looked for "other sources" for my anxiety. She did not seem to appreciate the severity of my illness and its impact on my life. I became frustrated with the process as it was not at all helpful to me. I stopped attending. I was later referred to a therapist who specialized in treating individuals struggling with/recovering from serious medical problems and chronic illness and she was quite helpful and did enable me to put many things in perspective.).
I would strongly urge you to discuss your anxiety with your doctor. There are treatments for anxiety. However, I would also caution that finding a good therapist is a must--ideally one who specializes in treating individuals with medical problems/chronic illness that may be contributing to anxiety/depression.
I know it can be difficult, but getting out and being active is also important for your mental wellbeing.
I am much better these days, pretty much living my life and feeling more or less "normal." There is hope. It can take time and patience to work through everything, but you can do it. Please don't be afraid to ask for assistance. You don't have to feel this way.
I can certainly "feel your pain". I had my colon out due to UC in 1997. About 3 years ago I started having terrible issues with dehydration. Nothing appeared to change, except I was getting older, but I would get hospitalized every 3 months or so for 3-4 days at a time. And it wouldn't be just the dehydration, potassium, sodium and other things would be critically low. Once a week hydration sessions have helped, but this year I've been in the hospital 4 times.
I've missed so much work, I am out of leave. My last two checks had unpaid time on them for being out sick. So, much like you, stress is coming from all directions. I'm so busy at work right now I no energy to do anything when I get home. You name it is sitting in piles waiting for me. My Dr put me on an anti anxiety pill which has helped a LOT. It has been suggested I see a therapist as well but I literally cannot take the time off to do so right now.
I am going to the Mayo Clinic next month to see if they have any answers as to why I can't seem to keep myself hydrated and nutritionally well.
It's just trying to keep moving forward one day at a time! Good luck and best wishes for improvement in your situation.
Everybody above has given you good advice and they are so right about suffering anxiety and in my case depression too. My Internist prescribed anti-depressants after my take down plus xanex for my anxiety. My first attempt with a therapist was not helpful. He didn't seem to think anything was wrong and I needed a some more time. My Internist said to not waste time with him and find someone else. It sounds like you found someone that you feel comfortable with. If s/he doesn't seem to be helping you please find someone else that can help.
Other j & k-pouchers helped me to realize I probably had PTSD. I couldn't drive much less leave the house by myself. My wonderful step-sister told me to look for a therapist that used EMDR for PTSD therapy. If you look it up please note the therapy has evolved and doesn't involve actual "Eye Moment" and lights anymore. When I first read about it I thought it sounded like smoke and mirrors My therapist was a God send. I discovered that my PTSD anxiety wasn't all due to the surgeries. I've had other traumas during my life that factored in. It's like the surgeries added to those traumas tipped the scale that pushed me into PTSD. I feel for you and dehydration as I've had and do have problems with it too.
You will discover that needing to treat cuffitis and/or pouchitis more than once isn't that uncommon here.
Take care
Also, an idle mind is the devil's playground (figuratively speaking). If this is true for regular civilians, I imagine it is much more the case for those of us who suffer regularly. I would advise you to search for things you enjoy and try to get joy out of life.
I know it can be hard to digest, but you can control your own mindset with the right tools and patterns. I would suggest reading up on cognitive behavioral therapy.
I would also leave you with the notion that pain is mandatory, but suffering is optional.
Last, I would like to leave you with the simple statement from one human being to another that you have my sympathy, love, and prayers, and that tomorrow is always another day for you to shift from suffering to coping to cherishing your life.
TE Marie, Hi. Did the EMDR help? My daughter has been diagnosed with anxiety and PTSD, and is still in therapy and taking anti anxiety meds. There is only so much input that I have, or could suggest, but I have looked into the EDMR in the past for her to possibly try, but she never did it. If it could really help maybe I could tell her it was a positive experience for someone? Thank you.
EMDR did work for me. My therapist was in a horrible accident and had to abruptly quit working so it's been over a year since we did it. It doesn't matter much now because when it bothers me I am equipped with tools to deal with those things and talk to my therapist about it. I'm still in cognitive behavioral therapy with another counselor.
Becky has been though so much, my j-pouch related surgeries pale in comparison. I recommend she check it out.
How is her health pouch wise??
This seems to be the main focus for now.
Do you know that 90% of Serotonin is stored in the GI tract? Google it to make yourself feel better. People with pouches are supposed to have problems with Serotonin (and therefore anxiety and depression).
I couldn't tell from your post if you are a woman. If so, give yourself a break! You are likely going through menopause as well. If your a man...Be thankful that you aren't a woman!!! ...at least you don't have that to worry about.
So, yes, get help ASAP. Personally...I am a fan of Zoloft/Trazadone.
For intense anxiety moments:
1.Hold your breath as long as you can 1 time only...(and obviously not while operating heavy equipment!). Your body calms automatically as it focuses only on needing air.
2. Hum...a lot!...even put on your favorite song. And when you breathe in, breathe through your nose. The humming vibrates something in your nasal area that releases calming chemicals.
3. Focus on something else that requires your attention. Crossword with a friend? 1000 piece puzzle? A funny show....
4. If all else fails, an occasional Xanax does the trick! I do this mostly if it is before bedtime or in the middle of the night.
Just keep in mind...Something bad will happen!!!! To you, to me, to everyone. Who knows what it will be? Usually not what you think. That is the nature of life. I have accepted that and find relief in the knowledge that it is coming. But, I know that a lot of joy also lies ahead, no matter what the circumstances. I have been a poucher (with chronic problems) for 17 years, and I think that I am one of the happier people that I know. I figure...I really should be dead, and it is only the miracle of modern medicine that has gotten me this far. So, I wake up every day surprised and grateful that I am still here, and I make the most of the day that I have....even if it is just going to the bathroom!
Hang in there...you can do it!
Your post was uplifting for me and I bet many others will agree.
Thank you so much for your post. It does make me feel better to know that I am not the only one experiencing these things. I am a woman so I do get the double whammy! I had no idea about the serotonin! I talked to my therapist today about this. Most days I am feeling better. Today was not one of those days though. I just broke down crying and have not been able to stop. Just feeling overwhelmed. The gut pain has been not been pleasant either. I know it will get better. I just really appreciate the place to vent and get feedback. - Hoping
such a little thing to do so much harm to nerves. fyi my 14 yr old pouch hasn't given me any problems since the first couple of years, and that just took a getting use to, so I knew it wasn't connected to the pouch.
I now suffer from huge panic attracts and my doctor put me on Klonapin 1mg up to3 a day if needed. It really does help. My issue is my depression I am on wellbutrin 100mg 3 times a day and I chew them to make sure they get absorbed. Talk to therapist and went to psychiatrist and she tried me in Lexapro, Celexa and now 60 mg of Prozac. I am a walking zombie and have weaned myself down to 10mg a day. I cant live my life in a fog one doctor suggested I think its Elavil. I have to take Belladonna/Opium supp. every 12 hours and that alone make me very tired, but that is something I have to take for j pouch. There are so many antidepressants out there that does not make you tired, gain weight and feel worse on them. So scared to try another one.
I've had many j pouch problems that left me with anxiety. I take Lexapro and on occasion lorazepam. It's been 15 years. When things r good I am ok. As soon as a problem comes back I'm a mess again. Unfortunately for this disease it seems to be the norm.
You are inspirational.
The very true and sad thing here, is the very condition itself could have been stopped in the first few months of its beginning, if only Doctors and Pharma were not ,"Big Business". For a real example, read my post i just put on today,"Colitis and how to beat it" told to me by one Honest Doctor who told me first hand, they knew of this many years now but are told not to tell people of it because it is not FDA approved. He doubts that is the reason. He told me that there would be millions less patients and prescriptions if this was a known public fact and if it was used as a preventitive natiural medicine.but added he would lose his license if he spoke up??? "IT IS WHAT IT IS".Your story sounds like you have been through so much. I almost committed suicide because of what was happening to me. I thank God every day for what he did for me. I truly hope you will feel well for all your days my friend. Bill wilson