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I've been given 2 different definitions of what the tags are.
My k pouch surgeon burns them because he says that they are an excroissance of skin or tissue (means it is a sort of granulation of tissue cells that keep multiplying) I have silver nitrate sticks that I use to keep burning them back or they become the size of rice grains and bleed a lot.
My old GP here said that they are like warts, a virus and that they need to be treated like warts...she gave me a homeopathic remedy that is natural drops...30 days later ...they started to dissapear!
(the drops are from the drug company Lerring )....
No other advice.
The pharmaceutical lab is named Lehning and the product is called Thuya...composition number is 37.
You can probably order it over the net or through a homeopathic pharmacy.
I just finished a bottle (I take 20 drops morning & night).
When home this summer I picked up both plantar warts and body warts (horible, rough and big...on my body and skin tags on my neck) probably from my friends niece who has very bad ones that she never treats...(yuck).
Anyway...I used compound W on the big ones + this stuff...all of them are now gone even the ones that I had not treated with the compound W...(the hard to reach ones, neck, armpits, under the breasts etc).
And the bleeding granulation on my stoma are gone it works.
Hope that it is availible to you there...
They are plant based drops...But...I still would check it out with your doctor...if he knows or understands theses they are very, very into homeopathic treatments and many are even reimbursed by the social health care system...not so much so in the States...but practically all French GPs prescribe Arnica for bruising, healing post op and post they get it. Not sure what US docs feel about these things.
Just make sure that you mention it.
I do believe that most tags, like warts a viral and thus if you just burn them off they will grow back...but if you treat the virus then they don't.
Yes, I have a rather large skin tag on my anus, which my surgeon is aware of and is unconcerned about. I believe I developed this within the last 2-3 years. My surgeon has advised against removing it, as there can be complications with such procedures. As my surgeon put it, "removing them often causes more problems." The tag does not bother me. It has on a couple of occasions become irritated but Calmoseptine resolved the issue. It's unsightly to be sure, but it's not really as if anybody sees down there. Wink I hardly give it a second thought these days.

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