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i had surgery to fix my tip of j pouch leak about 5 weeks ago. I had a scope with Shen to address my sinus with needle knife therapy on wednesday, and he stated that the hole is still there? he was in surgery with me while surgery was performed. He is at a loss. not sure why but him and my surgeon will be talking in the next few days. i am so pissed and upset. major surgery,missed a month of work , and used up all my vacation time at work and surgery didnt work.. what do i do now?
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I'm assuming that you are not feeling well with the leak and something has to be done.

I'm sure you've been over all your options and you are asking out of sheer frustration. We can't solve your problem but we can empathize with your situation. I hope you get some good answers as to why the operation didn't work! How did your surgeon close the hole? Is he going to close it the same way if you give him another chance? Should you consult with another surgeon there or go somewhere else for a second opinion? Going somewhere else sounds painful to me....bad suggestion.
the tip of j pouch leak is not making me ill, i was put back to an ostomy on February due to the leak when my jpouch was attached and it gave me a bad spinal infection. The surgery was to try and close the leak so i could have the jpouch re attached. knklhead, Shens needle/knife procedures have worked for my sinus issues, the hole was addressed by the surgeon in an open surgery.

Shen is out of town, but my surgeon wants to talk to him about his findings before he calls me back. from what i know, the surgeon sutured the pouch across a bit lower than the tip, so not sure how Shen found this hole with his jag wire? im confused about the whole thing
Last edited by Pouchomarx

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