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I had an appt with my psychologist today and she taught me a technique that is used to get rid of negative emotions and help clear your energy channels? Yes I know sounds whack jobish but I did it and did notice a difference and have been doing some research on it and it seems to be pretty beneficial for a lot of people. I struggle with pain everyday due to severe breakdown of the skin in anal canal due to incontinence. So she was trying to give me some different ideas on how to cope with it. But am curious if anybody has heard or used it?
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I watched my bestfriend hide in the kitchen and tap-tap-tap every time her mother in law walked in. Her GP gave her the exercises in times of stress (she taps specific zones around her forehead, nose, chest etc)...she is still just as if not more stressed than ever but swore that it worked wonders at the time...I have personally never tried it. I would prefer to 'tap' the person giving me stress!
I am a tapping freak! haha. It's called EFT Emotional Freedom Technique. It's based on the same meridians that accupuncture uses, tapping on where the meridians end. By tapping on these points while focusing on a particular problem many people feel relief.

I have even been to a professional practitioner who worked with me to release past traumas and it was nothing short of amazing. Check out the you tube channel of Brad Yates who is the best one online I have found for free. He has many issues he will lead you through, and it's good practice.

Another dude, Gene Monterestelli has a whole website with podcasts, CD's, free stuff, a radio show and more but some he charges for.

So yes, it's a real thing and IMHO it works.
Thank you guys so much for the replies!!! Skn69 -hmmmm very interesting re: your friend, a tiny bit discouraging. bebekspor-if your ever worried about going on a flight again, you should at least give this a try, see what should look up the video I watched, the website is Nice nurse- I'm so glad you saw this thread! What have you used tapping for that has been your biggest success? Have you used it for pain, an extreme amount? Seen results?

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