I've been thinking of that actually. You never know what you'll find that could come in handy. I have used a wooden dowel in the end of my catheter as a plug, I now use the cap from an eye dropper....they work great.
I've made an ostomy plate for holding an ostomy bag into, a "catheter with plug inserted" holder. I come up with all sorts of ideas. I haven't tried it yet, I just glued it together so I can put my gauze under it and glued a water bottle cap in the middle to hold my catheter with cap in place. Now to see if it works, I'm trying to get away from tape. This will be washable too. I don't know if the super glue will hold yet. Yes, I'm a Kock Pouch McGiver myself.
I've also looked at different gauge coated wires for electrical stuff. I would have to sterilize it and coat the ends, but it may work for those times I can't get a catheter in. So far just checking it out on-line. Not sure what gauge would work. Not to leave in, just to use to get a catheter in....somehow, put it inside the catheter or run the catheter along side it. Just brain storming here. Alcohol will work to sterilize it, after a good soap and water washing. So far, just in the thought stage.
For the face plate, I used a potato peeler to smooth out the top and bottom so it sits flat without a rim. Yes, a potato peeler....LOL. It worked like a charm. Then I super glued a round piece of a plastic cover to a carton I cut out to put on the face plate so it doesn't have a hole (where the ostomy bag would have gone through). Then I super glued the bottle cap, that the eye drop cap fits right in perfectly. LOL If this works I'll be very happy. Right now I use gauze and tape around my hips. The faceplate has hooks for a belt to put around the hips. It'll work for me!