Some of your symptoms sound eerily similar to mine.
I had 20ish years with little issue. In 2012, I started feeling "off." Couldn't put my finger on it... just "off" in a GI way. Sort of bloated. Sort of just not right. Low grade temps started. Kept saying to my hubby, "Something is wrong, but I'm not sure what is."
December 2012, I developed a perianal abscess, after straining a lot (maybe because of simmering pouchitis; hard to say for sure). Surgeon feels that it was straining that caused it; GI that specializes in IBD and J pouches not so sure, and like me, questions Crohn's or something similar (and I'll elaborate). Scopes have never have been horrible, but I spent time on Cipro a few times over these two years anyway (for both possible pouchitis symptoms and also abscess/fistula issues). Abscess turned to a fistula. That's a long, sordid, awful story unto itself, and I'll spare you the details.
But it was a one sided pain, however, the abscess started as an anal "bump."
I currently am *still* searching for a real dx, but we're getting closer.
I now have anal pain on the opposite side, but internally, on the LEFT. And today, my C-reactive protein and sed rate (inflammation markers) are elevated. CRP is 3.01; sed rate is 23.
I still run low grade fevers. I have tenesmus at times, where I have urgency and can't get off the toilet. Hot water helps ME, too. I couldn't survive without my sitz bath or a hot bath, from time to time, to calm things down. The left sided internal pain, when I feel in there, does have a bumpy area, so not sure if it's cuffitis or something more. But there's something happening, there's BEEN something happening, for 2 years!
Anyway, my GI is pretty awesome. He said that he wishes he could tell me differently, but he said there are many, many "old" pouchers like myself coming to him with very similar issues to mine. He's saying that it's not clear if we're truly "Crohn's converts," or if it's really that you can't take the genetics away, and when the pouch becomes more "colonic" in its pathology, the body is beginning to attack it in similar ways like with UC. He said he can send samples of old pouches to the pathologist, not tell them it's from a J pouch, and the pathologist reads it as "colon."
I have an exploratory under anesthesia on 9/15, and after that, we'll make a plan. A very quick taper with steroids this summer made me feel AMAZING, so he said he was certain that I have inflammation, and my blood markers secure that now. He's tossed around Humira for me, because of my fistula, too, thinking that maybe a biologic will heal the fistula, and help with my other issues. We're not there yet, but I'm hopeful.
Anyway, hope YOU *only* have hemorrhoids!!!! I was not so lucky.