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My takedown was performed on wednesday and I was out on Friday. I have been home two days and I already need to ask " is this normal? " I am so impatient! Today I keep having to go. A couple were liquid and burned bad but most or formed. They just keep coming out every hour or so. what was your frequency like those first few days. My surgeon was amazing but her instructions are confusing. I think she said 8 times a day. I am going alot more but they are not loose. Also I loved the ostomy. I felt so free the last 3 weeks. Maybe if I had had it longer I would have felt differently, but I really didnt mind it condidering the freedom I finally had. Now I am nervous again..Not much pain though thankfully - except the burn.
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For the reasons you mentioned, I kept my temporary ileostomy for a full year! Takedown made things very different but gradually became my new normal and I never think about how many times "I go" or the consistency of my effluent. Both vary considerably for me from day to day. At first I wondered why I gave up my wonderful ileostomy but it didn't take long before I realized the advantages of having a J-pouch certainly outnumbered my positive experiences with the ileostomy.
I had my takedown back in Feb of this year. I kept a log for the first two weeks or so after takedown. I was going anywhere from 18 to 22 times a day the first week.

I was starting to think, "ohh no, should I have just kept my bag", which I had for 11 months and had a lot of success and freedom with it.

After the takedown It was like having my UC symptoms all over again. I had very little control and the burn got sooooo bad at times. I started having 1 less BM per day (on average) I went back to work 3 weeks after takedown and each day was easier. I'm an electrician so I was worried about a hernia with all the cuts and scars I have but I've had no issues with that and I couldn't be happier, now that is.

So here I am, 6 months after takedown and I have anywhere from 5 to 8 BM's a day. I don't take any prescription meds which was my goal. I do have a glass of medimucil every night, if I don't my stool is really loose and I'll have to go a few more times trough the next day. So I just made that part of my routine and things are good. And the best part is that I have CONTROL. I still have to go more than a "normal" person but this is our new normal..

So hang in there, it will be tough at times but I assure you it will be better.
Expect things to be very active the first couple of weeks. And try not to worry because it's totally normal. (I know...easier said than done). But your body need time to adjust to it's new plumbing. It gets better but depending on the person, improvement may come in weeks not days. Congrats on getting thru all the surgeries!
What are you using for the burn? Barrier creams can be very helpful, as can sitz baths. It is important to make very sure you are clean after each trip to the toilet, but don't rub hard with TP or it'll make things worse! Many here use flushable wet wipes or perianal squirt bottles or bidets. Or you can simply shower off each time, but that takes a lot of time.

It really WILL get better; it is hard to be patient sometimes, but try to keep your eyes on the goal! I've just had a pouch advancement and was almost completely incontinent (& in diapers!) for a month. It was TERRIBLE. But then I turned a corner and am gaining back a bit more control every day; you will, too.

Hang in there, it does get better. I was you 5 weeks ago and things are slowly getting better. Ask your dr. for lidocaine this worked wonders on my anus for the pain. It was so bad I couldn't sit after 1 use of lidocaine I felt relief. I also took lots of sitz baths (3 or more a day) and I used barrier cream or vaseline for a skin barrier. I also used baby wipes sensitive skin with aloe and vitamin E and toliet paper to dab off moisture from wipes (never wipe only pat off) and use spray bottle to clean off. I am currently having between 7-11 BM a day. I also take 2 immodium 3 times a day and questran 2 times a day. I needed help bulking up but you said you have formed stools so you may not need this. Good luck and keep us posted. This is a great site to ask for advice, it has helped me.

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