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I was just in the ER last weekend to get rehydrated but only got a bag and a half. Back in April I was going 9 times a day and they have me a shot in the hospital of octriotide 20mg. Almost two weeks ago I received the shot again but in 10mg due to pain I had the first time. Well it didn't seem to work this time and my output from my loop ileostomy is all liquid. I was prescribed lomotil and it worked for a three days but is back to liquid again. Should I give the pills more time? Any advice on making the output thicker? I had surgery January 31st of 2014.

Thanks for any advice.
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Thank you so much! That is very reassuring and what I've wanted for a long time now. The surgeon has wanted me to wait for this fall or winter but I keep having these problems. I will see him soon but I hope something can change soon. Somehow have to get the surgeon on board because he isn't in any rush to do the takedown.
When you had your surgery resulting in the ostomy, did they discuss with you at all the type of diet recommended? There are resources on the home page of this site that provide this information under Dietary Guidelines.
Here is what they have:


• applesauce

• bananas

• boiled rice, pasta

• cheese

• creamy peanut butter

• tapioca pudding

• potatoes (without skins)

Everyone is different. For me, not much seems to affect the liquidity of my output. Through medication we decrease the frequency, but over the last 3 yrs, I'm 17 yrs post takedown, I've had multiple hospitalizations for dehydration. It's a work in progress.

Best of luck with your surgeon. Kind of surprising he wants to wait that long, most do it within 60-90 days. I waited 6 months, my choice, because the removal of my colon was so hard on me I wasn't ready for any more surgery.

Hoping things get better for you!
Yes, before I left, I was given a sheet of what to eat to thicken or what not to eat due to causing blockages but have never really had to go to it until now. Like you, it seems like whatever I eat doesn't effect the output but no matter what, it just comes out liquid. Last night though, I actually slept through the night without having to empty which is rare but I had half a banana which is on the list. Maybe that will be the key for now but back to liquid as of now...

Thank you, when I first had the surgery I was thinking that, okay in 3 to 6 months, with 6 being tops, I will have this all reversed but for some reason he doesn't want that. I weighed 160 originally but got down to 120 after first surgery. I'm currently at 138 but the surgeon is convinced I have to weigh 160. I feel like that is impossible!!
If I can ask, what were your biggest struggles personally after your colon was removed??
If you don't already know this, be sure not to eat large meals, but 6-8 small meals throughout the day. You have to keep your fluid intake up, exceeding your output. If you drink plain water, sip at it, so you do not overload your system with hypotonic fluid (backfires by pulling out electrolytes and more fluid). Think hydration drinks (low sugar), broths, that sort of thing. Don't be shy with the salt shaker.

And yes, keep up with the lomotil on a regular basis.

Jan Smiler
I had very high and liquid output with my temp ileostomy as well. It is very difficult to deal with and hard to conceal the bag when it fills up with liquid so fast.

For me, bananas and peanut butter didn't really work. For thickening, the best things were oatmeal. Graham crackers, Cheez-it's, cheese pizza and yogurt. These things helped but I never really had thick output to speak of. I also took 2 Lomotil at a time 3-4 times per day and Benefiber 3 times per day.

As soon as I had my takedown, the output has been much better. I'm still in the bathroom about 8 times per day and once at night but I'm only 12 weeks out. I'm hoping this continues to get better. It is such a blessing compared to my experience with the ileostomy.

Good luck to you.

I had my reversal 10 weeks after surgery. Your doctor probably wants you to gain more weight back before surgery because after surgery most people have 20+ BM's per day so can lose a lot of weight, which may not be healthy for you. I never had this; in fact, my BM's have increased in the past month. For the first 2 months, I was at about 6 per day and none at night. It was probably due to the pain meds and loss of appetite from the pain meds but just wanted you to know that not everyone has the 20+ BM experience.

Have you tried weight gaining protein drinks to enhance your existing diet and try to build weight faster? If you don't mix them with all the liquid they call for, maybe they won't go right through you.
Hi I'm 2 weeks post op loop iliostomy. This is my second loop iliostomy and just like before, lots of liquid output. I lost so much weight with my first round of surgeries in 2012 and I've lost another 10 pounds so far since being released. With my first surgeon in 2012 he also was not in a rush but I eventually said it's time, I was losing too much weight and was in the hospital for dehydration, severe, often.

I'm with a different surgeon this go around and feel good with him and let me tell you when the 3 month mark comes I will be bringing up the topic of takedown! Loop iliostomy is very difficult to live with in my opinion and with my experiences. I do find that saltine crackers work good and you replace the salt your probably lacking due to high output.
String cheese and bananas too but really by the time it gets to your small intestine it's going to be moosh but at least not watery and give you a break from having to empty every 30 - hour.

I'm already ready lol so I bet you are very ready for the takedown. Good luck!
Hi Shane 199!

To be honest, even before I had the takedown I felt so much better, I guess I didn't realize how sick I actually had been. My UC came on very gradually, I was never on steroids, never hospitalized, but obviously it was dragging me down.

I had complications after my takedown, within a few weeks, due to adhesions. Unfortunately I had to be opened up again to take care of those. It's hard having three surgeries in six months; I went from 198 the day of my first surgery to 120. Was on TPN for a while too.

As Jan said, eating small meals, it's a must for me. If I do overeat, I will pay for it. No medication helps. My problem is I can't seem to get enough meals in. I weigh myself every day, not because I'm worried about gaining, I'm worried about losing. It's also an indicator for me I may be getting dehydrated.

Over the last three years, chronic dehydration has been an issue for me. My GI and I are trying to figure out what's going on. I do take Lomotil, but that's just for frequency. I take Tylenol 3 for the same thing. I've taken Metamucil with 1/2 the amt of water with intermittent success for consistency.

Just keep in touch with your surgeon or GI; there are probably options for you, sometimes you just have to push a little. Cool

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