Took the poll down yonder.
Just want to say, I nursed my daughter exclusively, NO formula, and did it all right, and she still also developed IBD at age 11.
I was never nursed, only had formula (1971, my birth year, is slated as the lowest year in US history for breast feeding). I, too, developed IBD at age 11.
So... In our case, no extra protection, it seems.
Wanted to comment on the poll, but you can't do that.
Just want to say, I nursed my daughter exclusively, NO formula, and did it all right, and she still also developed IBD at age 11.
I was never nursed, only had formula (1971, my birth year, is slated as the lowest year in US history for breast feeding). I, too, developed IBD at age 11.
So... In our case, no extra protection, it seems.
Wanted to comment on the poll, but you can't do that.