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I've posted a few times, but just to recap I had stage 2 of 3 surgery last week on 12th May.

I haven't really had any issues other than a bit of pain here and there but that's normal.

However last night for the first time, I had some bleeding from the anus. I soiled my underwear at night, with fresh blood.

Its 11 days post surgery, is this something to be concerned about?
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Have you called your surgeon to tell them of these issues?

I had a two-step. I never had any blood come from the pouch while it rested, just mucus. The mucus tapered off as time went on, and my surgeon used the tapering as when to do my takedown. He did takedown almost 4 months to the day.

I would call them and let them know. They may want to take a look inside.
You have a temporary ostomy haven't you?
so stools are not passing through your pouch (or at least only a minimal part pass if your bag is full and the stool will enter the pouch hole), so the blood is probably something not to be worried, as it could be simply your pouch "waking up" after the trauma, and it needs much more time to settle, and to heal.
That said, if you will notice more and more blood (actually, it's NOT normal a chronic bleeding after the second stage), you must go to your surgeon and get a visit.
yes I have the loop ileostomy.

with the end ileostomy after stage 1 I regularly got rectal discharge of blood and mucus but it was controlled.

This time I have felt the need to go to the toilet and tried once, nothing came out, then last night it seems as you have said, to have woken a little with the blood coming out.

I spoke to the stoma nurse, she said nothing to be concerned about, you can get fresh blood, old blood and stool come out from the pouch, but as you have said chronic bleeding would be a concern so I guess I just have to keep an eye on it

did you get mucus discharge much after surgery?
In my case it wasn't mucus, just some "dirty liquids" sometimes, I'd say once a day... rarely I saw "small pieces of digested foods" (I suppose when I left the bag to fill too much, so that the compound enter the loop ileo)... but everyone is different... My surgeon said that the more the pouch was "active" in that way (and yours too), the better was, and one must be much more worried if nothing happens; the pouch is living healthy tissue, so it's normal it discharges intestinal juices and so on... I think this happens as natural reaction to digestion, when we eat.

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