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So, just like many, I'm in the waiting game for surgery -- soooo much fun. Roll Eyes My stoma is stenotic and tipped toward the skin (actually the opening is partly internal; the blasted thing has to push up & out to discharge!). It needs to be surgically fixed, but they are waiting to do it at the same time as my pouch advancement, which will hopefully be soon. I have been repeatedly warned to head in at the first sign of infection, blockage, or other trouble.

Due to the internal infection around the fistula site I'm very tired and just don't feel well much of the time; of course this is slowly getting worse the longer I wait. In addition, the stoma is somewhat painful off and on; achey, sometimes sharp pains, etc.

But lately I am just plain old SORE constantly. Just sore. Sometimes it is worse, sometimes less, but basically I feel a bit beat up. This is being accompanied by breathlessness after doing anything even slightly strenuous (i.e. carrying groceries inside), a LOT of lightheadedness, and off-and-on nausea.

I have no temp, no red streaky bits or warm areas around the stoma, I'm eating and drinking normally, and have no other overt signs of infection. Is this likely just the slow progression of the internal fistula infection, or is this something that needs to be checked into sooner? How much is too much when there are no dramatic symptoms present?

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You may be dehydrated or 'brewing something'...bloodwork could be a good idea along with more and more rest, high fluid intake, electrolyte replacement (try homemade lemonaide with honey and a few grains of salt).
I understand the breathlessness, exhaustion and general tiredness and weakness...I am battling with it every day...(just woke up from another is a daily thing now).
You might also be suffering from the emotional shock of losing your friend. Do not negate the effect of shock on your system. It can do some real damage.
Now is the time to put the kids in front of some cartoons and take a warm bath.
GinLyn, You know you have an infection in your body and you feel worse as time goes by. Your doctor doesn't know this unless you tell him/her. I didn't speak up loud enough when I had a drainage under my incision from my first surgery and ended up with a 2" deep by 2" long and inch wide hole in my abdomen right below my belly button that I had to pack for months after my take down surgery. I should have gone into the surgeon's office instead of calling and telling them it was draining. A little draining is normal but not the draining I was experiencing!

You can't see what's going on inside and IMO you should follow your instincts. What's the worst thing that will happen? Make an appointment too, don't just talk to them over the phone.

That's my 2 cents.
The symptoms you describe could be dehydration, infection or low hemoglobin. You need to,get this checked out very quickly. Might I suggest that for 48 hours you meticulously document everything you do, including naps. You will have a better idea of what and how much you are drinking as well as food intake, pouch output, and level,of fatigue. Armed with this data you will have something concrete to present to your doctor rather than just a general "I feel sick and tired"
Now, off you go,to get a piece of paper and a pen!

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