Due to the internal infection around the fistula site I'm very tired and just don't feel well much of the time; of course this is slowly getting worse the longer I wait. In addition, the stoma is somewhat painful off and on; achey, sometimes sharp pains, etc.
But lately I am just plain old SORE constantly. Just sore. Sometimes it is worse, sometimes less, but basically I feel a bit beat up. This is being accompanied by breathlessness after doing anything even slightly strenuous (i.e. carrying groceries inside), a LOT of lightheadedness, and off-and-on nausea.
I have no temp, no red streaky bits or warm areas around the stoma, I'm eating and drinking normally, and have no other overt signs of infection. Is this likely just the slow progression of the internal fistula infection, or is this something that needs to be checked into sooner? How much is too much when there are no dramatic symptoms present?