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*****Warning some may find the graphics to difficult to watch**********

I find his words more important than the graphics in this U-Tube presentation. It is of Dr. Remzi of the Cleveland Clinic presenting at a CCFA event that I think is for other's in the medical field in 2013.
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Thank you so much for sharing this video! Before having my proctocolectomy, I asked my surgeon if there was a video I could see of the procedure. (This was in 2001) You should have seen the look he gave me! So, here it is 2014 and I finally have had a chance to kind of see what was done to me.....well after the fact! I always wondered how the stapling was done. Now I know! To me, all of this is fascinating! Having a face put to the name of Dr. Remsi is rewarding unto itself!
Very interesting. If you notice the video that's first up below this video, my surgeon, Dr Fleshnner of Cedars speaks in a video called "understanding the techniques of a colectomy with an ostomy....." I just watched it and he actually shows the surgery many of us had. It's quite interesting and helps me understand not only how complex it really is, but why it works. It's worth a view if you have some time and aren't squeamish!
I HAVE MY consult with Shen and my surgeon on 6/9 regarding my tip of jpouch leak that put me back to an ileostomy. at the 14:30 mark of this video, they show the tip of the jpouch cut off and restapled. Why cant i have this done? i was told most likely a total redo or kpouch or stick with the bag? im going to ask my CCF surgeon and refer to this video.
That was fixed too. I've heard there are problems if our pouches have adhered to something else next to them but didn't hear about that here or on the other U-tube videos I watched. Do you think maybe the sinus could operated on along with the tip of the jpouch leak too? Did you discuss these with Dr. Remzi or a surgeon at CC?

Yep, I do feel very lucky. I came to Dr Fleshner as an emergency transfer when my original surgeon ran into major problems. I'm still not sure if my problems are from the original surgeon, or my body, but what I can say is that Dr Fleshner has been very clear in his course of action with me and very confident with his decisions. That sense of humor is also there, which works quite well with me. I recommend him highly, but even more, I recommend anyone in any situation like ours to actively seek out the right fit of a surgeon for them... Even if it means going out of network. It's your life that is at stake (in many ways), and if things go wrong, the money will matter far less than you think... That's my take, at least, and I'm usually pretty pragmatic about these thigs.
Dr. Fleshner's name first came to me when the C/R surgeon I had chosen wanted to do my surgery in one step. I was 61 at the time and had been on prednisone for about three years. When I shared my surgeon's plans with my GI doc, he very strongly said, "Even Dr. Fleshner would not do your surgery in one step because of your age and history of extended prednisone use." Well, I repeated this word for word to my surgeon and although he didn't agree, he did do my surgery in 2 steps. I felt so good with the ileostomy I chose to keep it for a full year and almost didn't go through with the takedown, at all! Oh, BTW, my C/R surgeon refers to me as the lady who loved the sh_t bag! So be it! I'm now 73 and my J-pouch is wonderful!

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