What I really need advice on is whether to keep taking omeprazole (Prilosec) to reduce the acid. I have taken it all these years since the surgery and scared to stop. On those days when I have forgotten to take it, I always have yellowish stools and it burns so bad. Not to be too gross, but sometimes it is really frothy. I wonder because I don't hear of others taking acid reducers every day so is it something else? Should I be doing something differently? A glass of orange juice is horrendous and I suffer for days. I just don't think it is normal to be taking them all these years and I take a double dose of 40mg total each day. I worry there will be side effects as well.
My job requires me to sit at a desk for 10 hrs each day so butt burn is not an option to deal with.
Is there anyone else out there with the same issue and if so, what is your remedy?
Thank you in advance for your help. Have a blessed day.