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Hey gang!

Hope you're all doing well, just have a quick comment/question. Over the past few days the skin around my stoma has been itchy, sore, and painful. I just assumed it was yet another break in the skin, which happens frequently. But last night, I changed my flange, and the skin looks absolutely fine, everything looks perfectly healthy, yet I'm have ever increasing, burning hot pain under the skin, which is now radiating out to my right lower abdominal quadrant. It's really beginning to concern me. I really dread going to emerg, so I thought I'd ask you guys if you've ever heard of this, and if so, what was done to stop it? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated! I don't see Dr Cohen until June 2nd, and my next surgery isn't even booked yet (yeah, I'm still getting constant obstruction, I'm such a train wreck!), so I'm hoping what ever the heck this is it will clear itself, but dam , it hurts, mommy! Eeker

Eric Razzer
Original Post

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Hi Eric

There were two times that I experienced the same pain as you are describing.

Once was after my jpouch removal and I kept thinking I had a leak under my wafer - but there never was one. We figured it was the nerves being stimulated/regenerated .

The other time was also nerve related - I had a radiating pain/itch/tenderness for about a week, and then wouldn't you know it, shingles appeared (an ID MD lanced once of the shingles and looked at it under the microscope to confirm the diagnoses and I started on antivirals). There was definitely a radiating pain pattern and terrible itch that wouldn't go away.

If you have had chicken pox before, the virus lays dormant in your body and then will appear as shingles...during times when your immune system is down and stressed. Keep an eye out for any bumps or fluid filled sacs developing.

I hope this is just temporary, transient pain that goes away, but you never know....
I'll second everything that Poucher in TO said... I had a very similar feeling after my first surgery, the doctors suspected shingles but it went away on its own so I guess it was nerves after all. I was offered gabapentin to treat the nerve pain but it resolved without it. If yours continues and it isn't shingles, maybe you could talk to your doctor about trying that.

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