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Hi all! I have read all these great things that magnesium does for a person, especially mentally. And that most of us don't get enough in our diets. But I didn't want to take it as a supplement because I take enough pills and I didn't want to have the loose bowel movements that go along with supplements unless you take very small amounts all through the day.

So I researched foods high in Mag and made a drink this morning of soy milk, cacao and molasses. Not the best, but doable. 250mg of magnesium. Does anyone know if I am less likely to have the bad side effects that come with supplements if I use food as my cure. I felt things loosened up but am hoping it's just a normal fluctuation that occurs with the pouch sometimes.

Also anybody use magnesium oil to have it absorb through the skin? Just don't need any help with loosening bowels because then I'll be fighting leakage.

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Hi Dedra!

I was actually just at my nephrologist's office a few weeks ago. I get kidney stones and along with medications he has me on a high magnesium diet to help prevent my stones.

He specifically mentioned it would be better for me to get magnesium from food as the supplements can cause lots of bowel irritability.

Bananas, avocados, tofu and lentils are very high on the "to eat" list, as are potato and sweet potato, best with skin on. I'm sure a quick google search could also give you a good list to follow.

I hope this helps a bit Smiler
I do not know about magnesium specifically, but as a general rule, ALL nutrients are best obtained from real food, not single ingredient supplements or food concentrate type supplements. The reason is that the bioavailability is always better from real food. To absorb the same amount of nutrient from a supplement, we need much higher doses and that is why it is irritating to the gut. When you are deficient, your body is even smart enough to know to be extra sensitive in absorbing that specific nutrient.

Of course, it does not always work out that way, iron deficiency for example. For some of us, there is something wrong with the physiology and the body does not absorb iron when it should.

Chronic diarrhea and fat malabsorption can lead to magnesium deficiency, so you are better off controlling the diarrhea and any bowel inflammation, than trying to catch up with supplementation.

Jan Smiler
My surgeon warned me about magnesium supplements saying "Phillips of Magnesium", which is an OTC medication to help with constipation. I don't know if taking my supplements have caused me any problems as I've continued to take them and my blood work keeps saying my mag levels are normal. I take 2 Loperamides, prescription Imodium, for IPS daily.

It's important to keep my magnesium levels normal, for my fibromyalgia, as it supports our muscles.

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