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I have a loop ileostomy and I am using a coloplast two piece convex system (hopefully I have the correct terminology).

I use power, skin barrier, spray glue and paste to hold my wafer in place which the bag connects to. On top of the wafer, I use a "sure seal" so I can bathe properly without worry.

I am having a lot of issues with regards to leakage. While sitting (I work at a desk job), out goes into my bag. Gas also, but pushes against the bag causing the wafer to detach slightly form my skin causing leakage. Fortunately the "sure seal" prevents a mess, but this is starting to be quite a pain.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid this situation? It only seems to be happening while sitting.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Original Post
Hi Solomin

Sorry to hear about your leaks. OK you are using the convex system - are you able to push down on the convex part of the wafer and then secure the flange properly? I know sometimes the convexity likes to pop up if it isn't pushed in quite a bit, and then secured really well with the rest of the wafer.

Also, are you maybe covering part of the loop stoma with your flange, and then stool leaks underneath? I know when I had a loop I had to be extra careful in how I cut the wafer because it was all too easy to cover up some of my "bottom loop".

Are you using filtered bags to help release some of the pressure in the bag? I know they don't work all that well but every little bit may help.

Do you need to use all the products you listed under your flange? I'm wondering if you can try to remove a step and see what happens? The area needs to be very dry for the wafer to stick correctly.

I hope things get better for you!

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