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Just remember, everyone is different! I have had troubles "around" my pouch, if that makes sense; the pouch itself is totally healthy. I've had problems with adhesions (2 surgeries), my gall bladder (another surgery), and fistulas (five surgeries) -- any of which could have been caused by the surgeries (or the IBD or any other random reason), but not the pouch itself. Does that make sense? The pouch is great!

Again, however, everyone is different. There are others on this site who have had massive problems with their pouches; chronic pouchitis and all sorts of things. These things are a chance one takes when getting this procedure done. But do remember that this is also a support site, so people do come here for support with problems and issues. And that means that there are other people who don't come here because things are either just fine or great and they don't need support! (If the statistics are to be believed, they make up the majority of J pouchers.)

For me, I don't regret the J pouch one bit. That first surgery literally saved my life, and other than a couple of (fairly minor) bouts of pouchitis, life with the pouch has been fine. Fistulas, on the other hand... Bleah.

It's hard for me to say there are any cons to my jpouch mainly because of the state I was in before my surgery. I was so UC was really severe. So I had nowhere to go but up! And I'm so grateful for this procedure. But if I had to single one thing out it would be getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Fortunately it doesn't happen every night. I haven't had any major troubles with it so far and it's going on 4 years.
i think it is all relative..the cons to operation is having to have it in first place !the pro for anyone that has it they are happy there was something that could be done..

if statistics are correct most people are happy after having operation,no more drugs and only have the annoyance of going to bathroom 4 to 8 times in a day and the bms do not come out formed and hard like before..otherwise just go along fine..

and a portion of us have various issues like you find on this site have a variety of issues with jpouch operation that make it difficult to get on with life without thinking about our butts..

for some of us however,the issues are many
My j pouch is kinda love hate relationship. When it is working right, then everything is wonderful. But when it is not and I am fighting pouchitis, it can be the most miserable time of my life. Probably the biggest con of the j pouch for me is that health wise, I have never, ever been as healthy with a j pouch, as I was with an illestomy. Further, I know that someday the pouch will have to be removed, since I can tell it is gradually failing me. The j pouch has been nice, in the part of not having to mess with external appliances, but I wish I would have just stayed with the illestomy.
My pouch was awesome for 7 years. Then an anal fistula and surgery to deal with it left my sphincters damaged, which made thisngs extra complicated with the pouch (fecal incontinence). Still I managed to manage it over the years until 3 years ago when I developed chronic pouchitis. I am taking a lot of meds nowadays, including antibiotics, entocort, and Immuran, but doing awesome. I still prefer this situation to going to an ostomy. I would still go for the pouch 100% even if I had it to do all over again and knew I would have to deal with the struggles I have. The thing is, if/when things get too hard to handle, I can always opt for a perm ostomy at that time.

Bear in mind, if you've been reading these boards, that most of the people who post on support websites are people who are having troubles of sorts-many with no issues are just off living life, and not checking these boards. And as you learned from your sister-an ostomy is not necessarily a perfect/hassle free solution either.

Good luck!
Hello, I am from the UK, had my j pouch 10yrs, I personally agree with Mark, if your ok with the ileostomy bag then stay with it, I had the best 6 months with the bag before j pouch surgery, I didn't seem to get much option a letter to say you are booked in for the op and that was it, brilliant two years then pouchitis started, nothing but trouble since then including
c-diff etc: Uk surgeons are now going away from j pouches so i am led to believe. They can be more trouble than they are worth
If you are ok with bag then stay with it, I do agree everybody is different and the j pouch is goog for them. I do hope you make the right choice, ask your surgeon about pouchitis etc: good luck

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