Just as a little background, I posted previously about a serious bleed/hemorrhage I suffered on 1/14 which landed me in the hospital for two days. I received four units of blood, had an endoscope, and a sigmoidoscopy which revealed ulcers throughout my pouch and higher, as well as ischemia in my stomach. I am awaiting the results of a Promethean blood work up for Crohn's, but I honestly do not expect it to come back positive. My most recent blood work (CBC, sed rate) all came back within normal ranges, thankfully.
I am hopeful that the VSL, a careful diet, and avoidance of excedrin migraine and advil (which I took almost every day) will result in the complete healing of my ulcers. I am now taking Fioricet for headaches, which seems to be working fairly well.
So, I look forward to hearing your experiences with VSL, as well as recommendations. If I do okay with the half dose today, I might increase to 3 capsules tomorrow morning/evening.