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I've had it covered for about four or five years, though it looks like that may have changed this month, unfortunately. Make sure the doctor wrote for the "DS" (double strength) version, which is prescription-only. The regular strength is over-the-counter, and is never covered by insurance. I'd also suggest finding out what reason the insurance is giving. Sometimes they turn it down by claiming it's OTC, sometimes they refuse to mail-order because it's "not a maintenance medication," and sometimes your coverage is limited to on-formulary meds. The pharmacy may be able to tell you the reason for denial.
Yea - I'm going to go ahead and order VSL and use it for a month to see what difference I notice. I did some pricing around today and think it is probably the best product. I can get a 3 pack of capsules for $160 + $25 shipping (even with Amazon prime.) Cha-CHING! Worth it if it helps heal my gut. I am supposed to take 450 billion units twice a day.
VSL#3DS if the Prescription strength 900 Billion which if you take half a pack twice a day is 450 each time so if your insurance company covers it please get your doctor to write a prescription for it. I have a high deductible and end up paying 100% of the insurance approved amount for half, of the year, until I go over the high deducible amount, but don't get pouchitis. Maybe I wouldn't if I didn't take it, I don't know. I have enough problems as it is. I read a study by Dr. Shen et al about probiotics and pouchits. They used VSL#3 and found it worked. Good enough for me. As far as I know there have been no studies published on other probiotic brands. I wish there were and the reason why is because there is probably no money to fund those studies.
Probiotics are putting good bacteria in our guts that might be missing naturally as our colon's have been removed. They are not medications but considered food. I don't use them when I am taking antibiotics and antibiotics kill bacteria that are making us ill and kill good and bad bacteria. I resume taking probiotics after taking antibiotics. The thought process is the j-pouch doesn't contain the good bacteria the our colons did. Some people with UC also take probiotics.

If you have no problems, specifically pouchitis, then maybe you don't need to take probiotics. Not everyone does.
Well - eating my words - I broke down and ordered a 3 pack of capsules. Just took my first dose, though I took only a half dose to gradually introduce the product to my system, after reading some other commentary on the product. I actually just added a new post to the forum seeking feedback on advice/experiences with the product. I'm very curious to see if this was worth all the $$$!! If so, it is well worth it for my health.
It's tricky to prove the value of a probiotic. The results are fuzzy, often something like "I didn't get sick." If you are prone to recurrent pouchitis, VSL might keep that at bay - it did so for me for a couple of years. I'm less certain of the value now that I have to be on antibiotics anyway, but I'd rather get recolonized (daily!) with a better mix of bacteria.
My insurance covers the VSL#3 DS (Double Strength) only. If you are able to take any VSL#3 product make sure you don't take at the same time as hot drinks/food or carbonated beverages and you keep it refrigerated. If you are taking antibiotics take it as far apart as possible. I wonder if you can get free samples from the VSL#3 manufacturer. I have no idea if it works but I figured it isn't doing me any harm.

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