Jan and others -
So, my doctors are still trying to determine if I have Crohns or UC before doing any surgeries - they just can't make up their mind. =( I recently had an MRI Enterography done to distinguish if I have Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns. What does this result mean? Is colonic wall thickening only seen in Crohns? Or it can be seen in Ulcerative Colitis as well? I have a couple of granulomas too which usually mean Crohns but GI doc says he is still not sure. I will be seeing doctor to review but thought I'd ask you all for your opinion beforehand. Thanks!!
There is diffused marked colonic wall thickening spanning from at least the rectum to the distal descending colon. There is hyperemia of the affected segement of bowel with associated intermediate T2 signal abnormality comnpatible with edema. No grossly apparent enhancing perirectal/pericolonic lymph nodes. No gross drainable fluid collection. Evaluation of the remainder of the colon is limited in part due to incomplete distention of the descending colon and moderate amount of stool retention within the transverse and ascending colon. Terminal ileum was not clearly visualized due to crowding of multiple bowel loops, and therefore it cannot be assessed. There is normal distention of the stomach with oral contrast which demonstrates a normal configuration. Findings compatible with diffuse active disease involving at least the rectum to the distal descending colon (proctocolitis), in this patient with known Ulcerative Colitis diagnosed on recent colonosocpy examination. No discrete drainable fluid collection. Unfortunately, evaluation of the remainder of the large and small bowel loops is limited and additional areas of disease involvement may exist but are not grossly apparent.
So, my doctors are still trying to determine if I have Crohns or UC before doing any surgeries - they just can't make up their mind. =( I recently had an MRI Enterography done to distinguish if I have Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns. What does this result mean? Is colonic wall thickening only seen in Crohns? Or it can be seen in Ulcerative Colitis as well? I have a couple of granulomas too which usually mean Crohns but GI doc says he is still not sure. I will be seeing doctor to review but thought I'd ask you all for your opinion beforehand. Thanks!!
There is diffused marked colonic wall thickening spanning from at least the rectum to the distal descending colon. There is hyperemia of the affected segement of bowel with associated intermediate T2 signal abnormality comnpatible with edema. No grossly apparent enhancing perirectal/pericolonic lymph nodes. No gross drainable fluid collection. Evaluation of the remainder of the colon is limited in part due to incomplete distention of the descending colon and moderate amount of stool retention within the transverse and ascending colon. Terminal ileum was not clearly visualized due to crowding of multiple bowel loops, and therefore it cannot be assessed. There is normal distention of the stomach with oral contrast which demonstrates a normal configuration. Findings compatible with diffuse active disease involving at least the rectum to the distal descending colon (proctocolitis), in this patient with known Ulcerative Colitis diagnosed on recent colonosocpy examination. No discrete drainable fluid collection. Unfortunately, evaluation of the remainder of the large and small bowel loops is limited and additional areas of disease involvement may exist but are not grossly apparent.