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Ok, I know that a lot of us have 'other' auto immune diseases but is this part of it? It has been since Sept that the pain in the feet and legs has started and I keep hoping that it will go away but it doesn't. When I wake up in the morning, I can't put my feet down on the floor, if I am sitting on the sofa or on the subway for a while I can barely stand up to walk away...what is happening?
I am supposed to see a rhumy but I cannot get an appt...I can't even get in to see my generalist lately...I have wait outside, standing in the cold for an hour or 2...the line-ups are horrible.
I have doubled the doses of anti-inflamatories but they are barely touching this pain...does it ever go away again or is this it?
I see a physio therapist for my back and sacro-ilitis but he won't go near the feet until he has a script for it.
I used to walk up to 10 miles a, down the block is killing me.
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Sounds like plantar fasciitis, very common. Try looking it up and see if it fits your pattern. Could be related to Ankylosing Spondylitis/enteropathic arthritis (mine was).

Before you can get in for treatment, you can take NSAIDs and do local treatment. My favorite was rolling a cold soda or beer can with the bottom of your foot. Also very good arch supports are imperative. I even keep them in my slippers. Never go barefoot or in stocking feet.

Jan Smiler
Thanks Jan,
I was away for a week and took advantage of the vacation to walk barefoot on the beach, swim a bit and try to re-educate my is somewhat better but as soon as I put on real shoes or walk barefoot on the floor the pain is is mainly on the edge of the right heal but the left one isn't so hot either...have tapped the right one and it helps a bit...I did an intensive cure of naporxin x2/ 2xs/ didn't hurt but not so sure that it is helping in the long run. Will see the doc in Jan (once he is back) to get an x-ray of the heal to make sure that there is no heal spur or other problem...getting old is no fun.
Having tooth and ear problems too...could possibly be general inflamation.
Hope that you had a happy holiday
So sorry about the flare...hope it passes soon.
It never it occured to me to check for a stress fracture...I walk and climb and bounce so much that I guess that it might be possible...Will see if there is a possibility to get that x ray done sooner rather than later...still no rdv with the rhumy...hopefully soon.
You may want to try shoes with a good arch support or orthotics. I have significant foot pain when I walk bare footed on hard surfaces for a short distance. My doctor suggested that I wear New Balance brand shoes with a roll bar, and that corrected the problem. The ones I use are Model MW811, but New Balance should have a comparable women's shoe. There probably are other brands with similar features.
I already have an assortment of custom and OTC insoles and arch supports...they have always worked for me before but now they do nothing...I have 50 pairs of shoes and none are comfortable anymore (sound like a girl, don't I?)...I was ok in crocs flip-flops and am fine in scholl clogs funny enough but anything else is murder and brings tears to my eyes...I limp! It is mostly the right foot but the left ain't so hot either...
Am already on twice daily anti-inflamatories but need to do something before I go back to work...I am on my feet all day and walk miles uphill and all over the place...scary for is hard enough when I am fine but it is hell when my feet hurt.
I'm wondering if you have some kind of peripheral neuropathy? This is pain that is generated in the nerves and does not respond to anti-inflammatories. It is common in people with diabetes or those undergoing chemotherapy. There are a whole host of other things that can trigger it.
It looks like there are lots of other great suggestions from people who have "been there, done that". Good luck with finding a solution.

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