Need a little advice. I'm now three weeks post op, had a wicked infection for the first two weeks, but with Cipro, it's much better, but now I'm having trouble urinating. My bladder feels like it's going to burst, yet when I go to empty it, only a small amount comes out, and it is not one constant stream. I have to try to relax my muscles, which allows only a small amount of urine to come out at a time. Takes me five minutes to fully empty my bladder. At first I just assumed everything was inflamed, putting pressure on my organs, but it's only getting worse. It feels like there is something growing, pushing against either my bladder, or urethra, restricting urine flow, and it's beginning to concern me. I need to get this taken care of ASAP, we're flying to DC on the 23rd to spend the holidays with our nephew, but I definitely don't want to get sick there. I'm going to try to see my GI doctor, if not him, my GP, but I'm curious, have any of you experienced this after GI surgery, and if so, what was the cause and how was it treated? I've had an inflamed prostate from too much cycling (did a few rides to Niagara Falls a few years ago) and had similar sensations, I'm wondering if surgery with post op infections could have the same effect? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you all, and for those that celebrate this wonderful season, a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!