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So I went from being a 22 year old girl fit and otherwise healthy with my ileostomy to On the 17th of July I got my pouch fashioned and plumbed in all in a Oner. Although now my pouch seems to be settling in on its own time my wound has never healed. I got my staples out on the 27th of July and about a week or so after I slowly started opening up again. The wound has been open all this time, the nurses have tried so many things, I've email my surgeon who doesn't seem to bother emailing me back saying that "it will heal" and im seeing a wound specialist who clearly is trying every avenue she can think off.

Anyone gone through this or have any advice? It's financially crippling me as I can go to work, I just want my life back!

Steph xoxo
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Yeah we tried the negative pressure wound therapy for about 3 weeks and no significant change so now I've to soak it every day with something called prontosan, I only started this today tho! It just seems to be rejecting everything, they had me on anti biotics for like 5 weeks but the specialist stopped it and says I deffo don't have an infection aparently!

Steph xoxo
It is not scary, but sounds like it I guess. Basically, they just remove the top layer of tissue in the wound that could be preventing normal granulation tissue from filling in. They do this under anesthesia, so don't worry about that.

But, yeah really focus on your nutrition. Worry less about your output and frequency and more about high protein and adequate vitamins. Take a vitamin supplement that is easily absorbed, like children's chewables, or Forvia. High quality fats are important too, like olive oil. If you tolerate some dairy, yogurt and hard cheese are good choices. Bananas are also a high quality, all around food.


Jan Smiler
Mine took 6 months to completely heal as it kept opening up. It was a long process and I thought it would never heal but it finally did. I never did anything special to speed up the process. Nature just had to take it's course. My surgeon checked on it periodically and it was never infected....just very slow to heal up. I know it's frustrating.
I have never had a wound that did not open up, spread and stay wide open for ages...I ususally dehyss around week 6 and am open for 2 or more months depending on wherre the wound is and how important the surgery. (full blown abdominal or smaller etc)...I make sure of 3 things before, during and post 'split'...1. NO SMOKING (it prevents healing and even an occasional cigarette is enough if your system is fragile (and I am a smoker)) 2. Good nutrition (I juice a lot post-op to get all of the goodies without all of the fiber) and eat tons chicken, fish and other high protien/low fat protiens including the stuff I hate (I used to take dessicated liver tablets because I hate liver!) and 3. Very good qauality vitamin suppliments + Mineral compounds (Copper/gold/silver, Selenium, silicium (in both get and capsule format...It really helps the healing and you can apply it topically to the wound once your wound nurse gives you permission).
I don't panic too much because I know that I have problems healing and it is just par for the course for my body...I even got married with a totally open abdomen filled with packing and held together with Montgomery ties and tape).
It is a pain, I admit but as long as it is not dangerous then I suck it up and pray for it to be over.
Hope that you heal soon
ps...made a very recent discovery...There is a fruit called Kaki or Persimon of Sharon depending which variety or the origin...I am a huge fan and eat them very ripe, nearly liquidy...anyway I take forever to heal even the tiniest cut and recently noticed that a deep cut on my hand litterally healed in 3 days...I mentioned it to my hubby who was also shocked at the speed...then I read that the Kaki has a lot of virtues and is particulary rich in Vit A and other nutrients that help healing....I find it to be one of the few fruits other than apples and bananas that don't irritate my pouch or cause me to 'run'...
Wouldn't hurt to try it if you can.
Last edited by skn69
I believe that you are living with the very North American disillusion that medical systems in Europe (and elsewhere) function the same way that ours do....Nope. It is a bad joke when people envy our social medical system here in Europe because it is 'free' (misnomer) is not necessarily a pre-pay system but it is 3 tiered. The welfare receipients get to go to doctors who accept their special card/situation...not all do and most have quotas (or they would go bankrupt). Here, most medical offices do not have secretaries because the social charges are so off the roof that they cannot afford them so in the middle of the rdv/exam they answer the phone, door or choice. Most use an appt for an office and are not exquipped with bathrooms, change rooms or any equipment at all other than a thermometer, blood pressure cuff and exam table.
ERs are not what you have back home either...if you are not being wrenched out of a crushed vehicle or having a heart attack they send you to 'consultations' in the hospital where you have an appt with a 3rd yr intern...professors are appt only and usually take up to 6 months or more to see you.
I need to book my optha, gyn or ortho at least 10 months in advance. And I pay out of pocket!!!!
Wounds, unless they are gangreen are not an emergency but a condition to be treated by a nurse and doctors don't worry their little green heads about them or about patient care, post op problems etc unless you are dying (and even then...)
GB is even worse than France and our system is soooo bankrupt that hospitals are closing by the minute.
Steph is in Scotland and that could be slightly better or worse but it certainly is not good.
Yeah your right I've been told If I try go to the hospital il get turned away as I'm not an accident nor an emergency! And my gp just says il heal it takes time which Is very annoying when I'm being financially crippled! I see my surgeon on Friday which I've waited 5 months for and I don't plan on leaving him until he's done something about it!!
I'm soakin the wound in prontosan every day just now but I can't tell if it's making any difference yet!
I eat quite well but I think I may get some probiotic drinks and chewy vitemans!
Thanks guys!

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