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Hi all,
I have a gallstone and have been having some moderate discomfort. My pcp thinks having it removed is a viable option. I am more interested in treating the pain and seeing if it subsides before having ANOTHER surgery. Anyone else evict their gallbladder? Did you notice any pouch woes? Thanks!
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My gall bladder went bad and was removed before my UC dx and surgery. I never noticed anything different with my digestion of food after it was out. And I don't miss it now either with my j pouch. My hubby had his out last month...he hasn't missed it and feels a whole lot better with it gone. If it's causing you discomfort...I recommend getting it removed. It's a quick and easy procedure. A malfunctioning gall bladder can cause all sorts of issues as it did with my husband.

PS- Just read your signature. How's the baby doing? Smiler
Mine had been bugging me for years...I knew that I would need it out one day but wasn't thrilled with the idea...suffered a lot for a long time until it was too late...then it was done in an emergency situation and according to my surgeon was near to bursting...didn't realise how much pain I was in until I was out of it...then I wondered why I had suffered and waited all of these years...
I had mine out through laporoscopy and it would have been a snap if it hadn't been so big and full of gunk...but in spite of it all I only spent 2 nights there and was home and back to work in a week.
I understand not wanting another surgery right now especially with a new born. I don't think there is any immediate harm in waiting but if you have gallstones then eventually it's going to have to come out. And like what happened to Sharon above, you don't want an emergency situation making a simple procedure much more difficult. I would discuss a time line with your dr. to see what he/she thinks. Good luck!

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