Ain't it a great day!?! Ok, yep, my meds are still working! 6 weeks of bliss so far!!
I've been reading posts this morn and noticed two that address adhesion pain and partial obstructions from adhesions. Let us note that, as I am an overachiever, I make gobs of scar tissue! And with pouchitis, my understanding is that there is additional scar tissue with each bout as a result of the inflammatory process. (Jan? Anyone?) I've had two surgeries for obstructions and gobs of pain from adhesions.
There is butt one thing that helps, and only one thing that I've found to break up the scar tissue: Myofascial release, a.k.a., Myofascial massage. It hurts super bad when the therapist (or now spouse, cuz my hubby learned how to mash on my belly from the therapist) works on breaking up the scar tissue. The pain for me stops as soon as hands are removed from my flesh, although I highly recommend icing post mashing to help with pain and inflammation from mashing.
You can search for these therapists in your area on the interweb. Gotta love the interweb! You can also try calling some different PT places to see if they have a Myofascial PT on staff or, if not, maybe they can tell you where you can find one.
For me, this has been the only way I've found to relieve the constrictions of the scar tissue without surgery. Again, it really hurts when they're doing it, so pre-medicate (take drugs, get drunk, smoke a joint, whatever your pleasure before you go) to help with that. And it is not long-lasting pain. It's well worth it!
Take care!
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