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I posted a few months about being cautiously ecstatic after seeing Dr. Shen once for a leak/abscess. He initially thought I'd only need one treatment to fix my pouch up. However, I ended up going back for a second sinusotomy procedure. He noted that the two endoclips he put in had fallen off; therefore, not allowing the healing he expected. He then put 9 clips in.

After the second surgery I was in some pretty good pain. I was back on Cipro and Tinidazole for a few weeks and he wants to see me again in a few weeks for a go at another procedure/review. I feel like a Zombie on the antibiotics (Am I unusual in that I am EXHAUSTED when I take these antiobiotics!) I stopped them three days ago and feel pretty good. I hope it continues! I feel like I empty the pouch much better without taking the ABs, but they are necessary, for sure, when the pouch is leaky!

Oh, well, just an update. I visit the board often, and while I don't post too often, I very much appreciate that participation of this great resource.
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Sorry to hear that the first procedure didn't take, but I really hope this second one is the fix you need! You are in good hands with Dr. Shen. Thanks for keeping us up to date.

(Am I unusual in that I am EXHAUSTED when I take these antiobiotics!)

Nope, you're not unusual, and you're certainly not alone. I ALWAYS feel lousy on cipro. I do a little better on flagyl. I think some of us are just more sensitive to antibiotics than others. Hopefully you won't need them for too long!
Last edited by Spooky
I too feel miserable when on cipro (and always wiped out), but I feel more miserable off it. My joint pain increases while on cipro and the only thing that does feel good while on it is my normally terribly sore rectal cuff (without cipro, my last 2 centimeters of cuff burn constantly and feels rip raw all the time from chronic cuffitis).

I am sorry your procedure did not go as expected. Don't give up. I know Dr. Shen always has some tricks up his sleeve and hopefully this procedure will work. Where are the clips attached? Did you not realize they fell out?
tdr26: Yes, I had problems after the first procedure. He put two endoclips in to keep the sinus open, but they fell out; therefore, I was back to square one. However, last time he put in 9 clips to ensure the sinus is able to drain.

As far as "knowing when the clips fall out," I think they are actually very, very small and I'm not sure what they are made of. But never noticed anything unusual!

Dr. Shen said he is "90% sure" and "guarantees" he can keep me pouch happy! He certainly helps you to be optimistic -- because he is!

I visited my surgeon today for a follow-up and he, too, is optimistic. I am sort of his guinea-pig because an associate doctor has a patient with similar issues. I am hoping to tell him sooner or later that everything worked out great. Smiler

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