Hello all,
I have an now 10 week old little girl. She was perfect for the first few weeks of life... Around three weeks she started to get colicky, especially in the evening. I am a nurse so I am familiar with all the typical signs. But lately I have been wondering if there is something else up. She is not a big eating, but is very fuzzy and irritable after feeds. More so in the evening. I eat a very bland diet, due to the pouch. I was just wondoerng if anyone else had issues with breastfeeding and having no large intestine? Just wondering if there could be an issue with my milk due to absorbtion issue. I realize that most nutrient are absorbed in you stomach, but just curious if anyone else had problems?
I breastfed my first with no problems- pre pouch. I really don't want to switch her to formula, but also don't want her to suffer either. She is a pretty gassy baby and I think has some reflux issues to.
Any expierence/knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks
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