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Hello all,
I have an now 10 week old little girl. She was perfect for the first few weeks of life... Around three weeks she started to get colicky, especially in the evening. I am a nurse so I am familiar with all the typical signs. But lately I have been wondering if there is something else up. She is not a big eating, but is very fuzzy and irritable after feeds. More so in the evening. I eat a very bland diet, due to the pouch. I was just wondoerng if anyone else had issues with breastfeeding and having no large intestine? Just wondering if there could be an issue with my milk due to absorbtion issue. I realize that most nutrient are absorbed in you stomach, but just curious if anyone else had problems?

I breastfed my first with no problems- pre pouch. I really don't want to switch her to formula, but also don't want her to suffer either. She is a pretty gassy baby and I think has some reflux issues to.

Any expierence/knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks

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From my own experience and those of my friends, each baby is an individual, just as we grownups are. One baby may not be bothered by anything and another gets tummy troubles from practically anything. Even if you think you are eating a bland diet, there can be a particular ingredient that passes something through the breast milk, causing GI distress for your daughter. Common offenders are milk, nuts, chocolate, and caffeine. I had one friend who's son got gassy when she ate cucumbers. Go figure.

I'd keep a food diary and note her symptoms. I would bet that it is something you ARE absorbing, as opposed to something you are not.

Good luck!

Jan Smiler
I had great success nursing my son with my pouch. I had to stop when he was a little over 5 months, because I needed to get back on some medication. But my supply was always fine. My kids were both intolerant to dairy protein. My daughter (pre-pouch) was much worse and couldn't handle it at all. Around 10 weeks is when we finally realized it was eating away at her poor little digestive tract and we switched to formula to get her healed as fast as possible. I was able to just cut down the dairy with my son. I also took those supplements (Mother's her Milk?) to keep my supply up just in case. I don't know that I needed it, but seemed to work. Hoep you get it figured out!
Give up dairy. Seriously. I was in denial about it for a long time because I didn't want to give it up, but human babies are just not able to process cow's milk (through your milk) very well and it's a huge problem for them. It's only for a limited time that you need to do this, but be sure to get all dairy out of your system.

I found I had to hydrate with juice or gatorade when BFing because I have a tendency to dehydrate anyway with the pouch, and water was just not enough. My supply would tank if I wasn't properly hydrated, so I ended up drinking a half gallon of juice or gatorade almost daily throughout the BF months, in addition to water.

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