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I know this will come as a shock to everyone:

Jan was right. I was wrong.

A couple of months ago, I had my panties in a twist for no reason, sure that being referred to a pain specialist was a sentence to life in pain with no "real" medication to counter it.

I imagined some unbathed hippie "doctor" with a diploma from a Caribbean island, waving incense in my face, adjusting my chakra to cleanse me of past life transgressions, and forcing me to chant Buddhist prayers in order to accept and live with my pain.

Nope. They guy is going after the pain with some serious pain medication, and we're going to test a spinal catheter to deliver pain medication right to the spine with an implanted pump.

It was a rough first two months as he made adjustments and explored the nature and severity of my pain and dosages of medication, but once he had that quantified, today he pulled out the big guns and is going for the kill. And not a tie-dye T-shirt in sight nor a Tiny Tim album providing background music.

For the first time since take-down in 2009, I have hope of living a semi-normal life.

If it wasn't for Jan, I might have blown off my appointment with the hippie "doctor" and would still be writhing in pain for hours every night.

Now tomorrow, I go in for exploratory surgery to find the cause of the fistulas and possibly put in plugs. Or possibly lowering the pouch past the cuff. Depends on what the doctor finds when he gets in there.

But there is progress happening. Things being done. Plans and a resolve by my doctors that the status quo is not acceptable and they are going to get to the bottom of this.

I feel good. I feel optimistic.

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Thanks David, but don't give me all the credit. Several other members told of their experiences with pain management. My one and only concern with it is that there is no effort to treat the cause of the pain, just the pain itself. But, sometimes that can be a good thing, because sometimes pain relief is your number one issue.

I did get referred to acupuncture for my neck pain. I really wanted to have lying in a dimly lit room with needles in me and heat lamps going with soothing music to work. Sadly, it did not. He did not wear tie-die though, just a white coat... Time and understanding my limitations were my best treatments.

Glad things are looking up for you!

Jan Smiler
My newest doc on my ever growing team is a CC pain management guy. He and his nerve blocks are a true godsend. Once you get out of pain, albeit temporary, it gives you strength to keep fighting and a smile to enjoy a day. In fact im back to cc tomorrow for another one. And yes i too was freaked by my first visit to the pain management clinic, esp when i saw so many suposed druggies there and when all the initial questions seemed to focus on narcotic addicts. But once i met the doc. I knew he would help me. And that he has done. Cant wait to see him tomorrow!
With the new team approach, with one doctor focused on pain, the other on the cause, and both communicating, I feel as if - for the first time - the USS PDXDavid is being piloted on a plotted course, rather than being tossed about at sea without a captain, rudder, or destination.

CT, thanks for the blast from the past!

Liz, I felt the same at first... like it was assumed I was some sort of drug addict (I kind of thought that is why I was being referred to him in the first place.) The doctor put me at ease in that regard pretty quickly.

I am so happy that this is working for you David...keep us posted on what they are doing and how it is working for you...
I need one of those doctors going nuts with the pain and have no idea how to get rid of it...Not at all sure that they do that here...they just throw a scipt for codine or opium at you and watch you float away...

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