Ok this is one of those just curious type questions but how many j pouchers out there have named their j pouch? You know its kinda like if you had to go through the temp ostomy stage... The wound care nurse encouraged me to pick out a name for my ostomy.. so I'm sitting here wondering how many people named their j pouch after the takedown.. funny story, I went out to dinner the other night with a good friend... My j pouch begun to act up (it didn't agree with the shrimp scampi) and my friend excused herself from the table to use the ladies room... While she was gone I caught myself actually talking to my pouch... Trying to calm it down! Like I did when I had my stoma (usually during bag changes). Anyways, I'm sitting at the table looking down and talking out loud to my j pouch and as I look up both the waiter and my friend were right in front of me with the weirdest look on their faces that you've ever seen... Talk about awkward lol so, I began noticing this is something I've been doing since the takedown surgery... So, since I treat it like an individual; might as well name it right? Lol would I be the first or is this something people have already done.. like I said... Just curious
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No, I never named mine but I like your story.
I do however tell my insides to shut up every now and then when they are noisy!

It's not very original, but I call mine Pouchy. And he's also male, because only a male can annoy a female this much
When I had my ileostomy, I called my stoma/bag Bilbo 
And I also talk/yell to Pouchy ALL the time (most times out loud lol)!

And I also talk/yell to Pouchy ALL the time (most times out loud lol)!
His name is George after Babe Dirkson's husband. She was the first female Olympic gold medalist in track and field and had an ostomy. She went on to win 10 Ladies golf championships...I watched her story while in the hospital having my pouch..Cried my eyes out. I saw how supportive her husband was of her illness and condition...and named my pouch after him.
You know, I've never officially named mine, but I sometimes refer to it as "pouchy" as I gather many others here do as well, so I guess that's what it must be. I never named the stoma.
But, I also often say aloud "shut up stomach!" though usually (hopefully) when nobody is in earshot. *LOL*
But, I also often say aloud "shut up stomach!" though usually (hopefully) when nobody is in earshot. *LOL*
There is only one part of my body I have ever considered naming or addressing with some "cutesy" name, and it is not my pouch. That being said, I find it amusing that some people would think of their J Pouches as they do about their pets. Of course, if you ever had to lose the J Pouch for some reason and go to an end ileo, it could be as painful as it is to put down a pet. And it is ironic mentioning this because I just sent an email with my condolences to a former co-worker who had to put his beloved dog down yesterday.
No pouch yet, but I never considered naming it in the future. I will definitely give it a name! Probably a male name, haha.
And Sharon, thanks for sharing the story of the athlete with an ostomy. I will be looking up her story for some inspiration!
And Sharon, thanks for sharing the story of the athlete with an ostomy. I will be looking up her story for some inspiration!
You "son of a bitch" usually is an appropriate name for it. I think giving it a name like a person would not be reasonable because at that point it seems like you are considering it a friend and it acts like more of an enemy than anything. Maybe I should name it Bin Laden.
You could look at it that way phonix2g. Even though it acts up though, I consider it a friend because without it i'd either be dead or still crapping in a bag... I don't know about you but neither one of those is a place I want to be anytime soon....
I named my stoma after my ex gf.. because anything that came out it was bull**** and it annoyed the heck out of me lol
Skn69, I like that story very cool!
Well to each his own my friend. I don't feel its necessary to name the damn thing especially if you sitting there yelling at it in public like you have an imaginary friend that's just kind of creepy.
My best friend from back home has had coversations with me about George, in public, for years...we don't even realise it until someone asks us if George is one of our kids! (gives you an idea of the context of the conversaion!) Once I was asked how old my son was and why I had so much trouble potty trainning him!
I don't have a name for my pouch, but I called my stoma, "Little ****". Sorry for the cusing.
I named my ostomy Miss E (for Miss Elimination). My daughter thought I was saying Messy which she was! I just call the jpouch - My pouch - but around period time, I always say it's being "pissy" (sorry!). The ostomy was a female, but the pouch rates only as an it.
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