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The Affordable Care Act may be just the ticket for you. Cobra is ridiculously expensive as you know. I was hoping that our President would go all the way toward a single payer plan for the country, the only answer that makes sense in this day and age, but....the politics were not manageable. Maybe someday the current trends will lead us to universal coverage. I'm hopeful.

I've only had insurance for about 6 of last 25 years. Needless to say my finances have been a disaster because of it. I've only recently been able to get my head above water after years and years of paying medical bills and making deals with all of the various business offices that send me mountains of bills every month.

Best of luck!

The "open enrollment period" begins tomorrow for insurance (through the Health Insurance Exchanges) that will begin coverage on 1/1/14. The exchange in Maryland is at They can't charge more for a preexisting condition, but they can charge more (within limits) for older purchasers. The plans will vary in copays and deductibles (cheaper plans have higher copays), and will have different networks of healthcare providers. All the plans, though, will have reasonably complete coverage, without many of the "gotchas" that have been common in individual insurance. Many people will be eligible for subsidies depending on their income level. And the exchanges may be working better in a couple days or weeks than on the very first day.

If you really want it to work, encourage some healthy twenty-somethings to enroll, too.
You can remain on your parents' insurance through age 26 - that was one of the first aspects of the Affordable Care Act to take effect. It's quite possible that it would be significantly less costly for you to get individual insurance through an Exchange, though, if your parents are paying extra for family coverage. Family coverage tends to cost the same regardless of the number of offspring covered.
I'm so excited for Obamacare! My husband lost his job and Cobra was going to cost $3,300 a month. We couldn't afford it and he had a heart attack and I have no colon, so no one would insure us. This has been the first time in my life that we haven't had insurance. We were able to get the kids insurance for around $200/month thankfully.

Now, if I could just get into the site to see how much it's going to cost.
My mom's job was recently outsourced. She was able to get a job with one of the companies her company worked with, but as an independent contractor. Pays the same she was getting, but with no benefits. Started Cobra this month. It's so expensive.
Hoping that this new health exchange is good. My older brother is feeling it too. He'll be 26 next year and has Crohn's. No insurance is going to want him. Right now he's okay because he's under my mom (even with Cobra), but it's only temporary. I don't quite understand the new bill, but it seems like we will benefit from it.
Interesting how Obamacare is being used as a pawn; yet reality is that it can definitely help people like us and those that have serious health conditions!

It's a shame that the arguments against tend to be targeted at "lazy people that are getting their healthcare paid for."

I know people have their opinions, but let me dare to say this ... the GOP is holding our country hostage. Whatever they do to shut down the government or default on our existing debt will have no effect on Obamacare! Can't they just legislate without these hostage-taking antics?

There, I said it. I know there may be people who disagree with me, but the wingnuts seem to think they are the only one with a voice.
Point taken. I think we all can agree that being denied coverage or charged outrageous rates because of preexisting conditions is terrible.

However, this site is not for political discussions. So, please let's not get into that end of it and keep the discussion about how Obamacare (the ACA) will work once implemented.

I don't want have close this thread...

Jan Smiler
I don't have IC now but will in October when my husband goes into his new unit, then I get tricare back. I would take out ACA (obamacare) but it won't cover out of state treatment so won't do any good since I don't see local doctors here. That is one of the reasons they are fighting it, just ONE. See if they can get that figured out.

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