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I had my takedown on Friday and utilizing my J pouch now... I posted yesterday about my sore bottom. Today's issue is excessive gas pains in my stomach. Any suggestions? Do people take gas-ex like they did with the bag or other medications? I am able to pass gas occasionally and burp a bit but still not eliminating the gas problem. Thanks

4/5/11- Diagnosed with UC
Tried all diets/medications
6/4/13 -Full colectomy with ileostomy/J pouch
9/20/13- Takedown and using J pouch
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What does your diet consist of? I take Gas X if I am trying to get rid of gas that I have had for a while after I've eaten which works pretty well and I also take Beano with food to try and prevent any gas from forming from the food I eat. You shouldn't have any issues with either of those. Are you home from the hospital? Don't worry what you are experiencing is not abnormal. Just think of your recovery as more of a marathon than a 100 yard dash.
I second phonix2g in asking what's in your diet. If possible, drop back down to crackers and water. Be certain to eat! If you don't eat, I think that contributes to gas.

Try and walk as much as you can, that should help getting things moving.

One thing that worked for me in certain situations. . .you know how a puppy looks when it wants to play? Head on the ground, butt in the air? Yeah, go in the bathroom and close the door, but I found this position helped move gas to where it could. . .uhh. . .be released.

Super Digestive Enzymes by Solray or LifeExtensions are good for more types of foods and cheaper than Beano etc. Plus I thought they worked better. I rarely use anything like them anymore. Both brands are ok, they are clear capsules with herb like ingredients inside. Someone on here posting suggested them to me weeks after my take down and they were great. You can get them at Health Food Stores or at etc.

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