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Please read this, I'm getting unlucky days with my pouch and still can't undersand, two days ago I felt perfectly fit, I could run and went at work for more than 8 hours... I was so happy and considered myself so lucky to have the pouch after years of UC.
Then last night something happened, I began to develop pain on my abdomen area, and this pain developed so much I had to go to emergency room. I really couldn't move, and get up from bed.
They gave me some buscopan (then my surgeon told me it was a mistake, don't know the reason), and the pain subside a little.
The pouch seems still god, I had x-rays and CAT and there weren't any evidence of serious problems, just gas on the bowels which they told me is normal.
Then come back home and ate something, still had effect of buscopan, could walk with just some pain.
Evening, had a relapse and I was sure I should call for ambulance, took paracetamol it had a slow effect but managed to diminish the pain.
The surgeon told me to take cipro for 5 days and vsl3 for 20 days and this could be a bout of pouchitis, but I never read pouchitis can give you so much pain. Now I'm under effect of tachidol and feel a bit better, but when it will subside the pain will come back, that's a kind of pain never experienced in my life, it's on both sides and feels like a strong spasm which never subside.
One thing have to say is I took the evenings before amoxicillin because of teeth cure, they thought this pain can be caused by it. and the day before had a salad and amoxicillin did compact very much my feces (but am not sure this is a blockage or partial blockage as I went to bathroom, though very painful)

as always I'm wondering if you can give me some advice as I really feel desperate.
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Sorry to hear of your problems. Its good the CT scan was normal, but I suppose you could still have a small partial blockage.

I have been having spasms for a couple of weeks but I have no pain or cramps. I eat well and things are coming out of my K-pouch when I intubate. My doc thinks I should get a CT scan, but I don't know what it would show.

Some say that Zantac sometimes helps. It can increase peristalsis.
I am not sure what is going on with me. I just started taking the Zantac.

Keep us posted. Good luck!
Could you try to go onto a liquid diet for a few days? No solid food, only hot tea, juice (grape juice is great and so is prune juice), clear soups and jello...nothing that could block you up...use a heating pad or take hot baths (or both) and walk slowly and gently around the house or around the block...if it is a partial blockage it may just help you to allow it to pass, if it is adhesions or scar tissue that is blocking you then the diet could help temporarily but hey will have to be dealt with in another way in the long run.
Let us know how you are doing.
today I have 38*C fever... pain is still strong but a bit less than yesterday night... i'm afraid to eat solid, just got some hot tea with honey and perhaps a broth later.
can't realize what the problem is. I'm thinking it could be a bad reaction to amoxicillin, or perhaps a bad case of flu (due to the fever); I'm excluding perforation as cat was good yesterday... Frowner
This sort of pain, along with fever? Go to the doctor or ER. Even though the fever is not high, it is a sign of a worsening condition.

Just because nothing serious was going on before, it does not mean it could not escalate into something now. By the way buscopan and Bentylol are essentially the same thing. If your doctor said it was a mistake, I would not take more.

Jan Smiler
fever disappeared but pain didn't I don't know what to do anymore. my doctor (not the surgeon) suspects a cystitis and gave me some other anti-spasm along with ciproxin. In fact I have pain when urine reach my urethra.
The pain subsided a bit but is still there and can't allow me a normal life, I can't get up from bed or a chair. what should I do? do you think that waiting will be enough?
Does the surgeon know you can't walk because the pain is so bad? If it were me in that much pain, I would be at the hospital. This is pain that needs to be managed and I would think that anything that causes pain that severe needs to be monitored.

I remember you had some urinary issues shortly after takedown -- were those ever investigated or did it just go away? Maybe a pelvic MRI is in order?
they sent me at home saying that from tc results nothing and I hate them for this, every time I go to hospital they doesn't believe to my symptoms and say I exaggerate. I had some small urinary issues but they weren't managed as disappeared soon.

Could I have Crohn's? do you think my symptom can mean an inflammation before the pouch, I think the pouch is just ok, I don't feel bad and didn't increase frequency. Don't know what to do now, probably, come back to hospital again?

I have spasm issues, but the invalidating issue is I can't move well because of the pain, and they didn't say me where this pain come from.
it is difficult to take the decision to abandon my hospital as I was always be treated there and I was satisfied of all the surgeries, moreover I have an appointement for a visit on the first of october and another on the third; the symptoms are less strong from saturday, I still have cramps and spasm, but less than thursday and friday. so I am not sure is necessary to go to emergency room again. Ok probably there's nothing else to do apart waiting, I'm praying those symptoms will subside, I was so happy can't have this fear of crohn, ostomy, and everything I had before when I had a colon, I was making some projects in my life, i was planning to change home, I have to suspend everything and this is so bad.
I still can't understand; pain seems to be lesser and lesser day after day, but very slowly;
yesterday I supposed I'm constipated, so yesterday I had some boiled spinach, a peach and more bananas than usual (about six), I was a bit afraid of the risks if it were a blockage, in fact on the contrary, the bms were great, almost perfect; I felt quite empty. so, I'm excluding inflamation of bowels. I think I should have more diarrhea and more frequent movements.
the problem is I still have pain, it's not as strong as a week ago, but I still feel as something pulls when i'm on my feet, cramping is a bit less and when I'm at bed sometimes I feel no pain, but walking is hurting. the location of pain is center, on left center and right center above my pelvic area, and it spreads on the whole belly.
summing up the problem began in a night, the day before I was good; I was taking antibiotics (amoxicilline) and I also had fever. my home doctor treated it as a cystitis and added some drug. exams are negative. I don't know what to think... I was thinking it could be adhesions but it seems strange to me all the problem started in a night.
I had a generic blood draw, where white cells were over count (13000); probably I had an infection which produced inflamation, ciproxin should treat it both if in the urinary tract as my doctor is thinking or intestinal tract if as the surgeon ssid could be pouchitis; I have to take cipro until sunday, today is wednesday, let's hope I'll be better until that time...

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