Hi everyone,
I had my ileostomy done over a year as a half ago five months after having my son as an emergency procedure since then things have been up and down but mostly down

I'm currently expecting at the end of October after which I want to have my j pouch created

my concern is I've always had rectal bleeding since having the ileostomy does this mean the jbpouch will get inflamed also? Did anyone have rectal bleeding with the ileostomy which stopped when the j pouch was created? My surgeon keeps telling me that rectal bleeding is fine at the moment as I still have a little piece of colon left for when the create the j pouch and he says when they create the j pouch because they remove the lining of the remaining colon or rectum is it? That the bleeding will stop and the j pouch will work
Anyone experienced this at all? And any advice anyone could give me would be brilliant thanks guys x