Hi all,
(I'm posting in General Discussion because I have no real idea where this should go. Rant and Rave? Yes. Help, Need advice Now? Yes. Ostomy? I dunno...!)
I'm losing it. I've had my j-pouch since October 2001 (one-step surgery, so no experience with an ostomy.) I am just about ready to take a significant amount of pain meds in one dose and chuck it all. Life is not good in my body.
I've had leakage and pain since the very beginning. Actually, I've never NOT had leakage. Chronic pouchitis? Yep. Got that too. Scar tissue pain? Constantly. Blockages? Hell yes. Two requiring surgeries, and both surgeries yielded peritonitis and more surgeries, inflammation, and scar tissue. And then there's the on-going minor blockages that just cause wretched pain!
Sleep? Yea, no. I started keeping a log last week. My best night was pooping at 11:30, 1:30, 3:00, and 6:00, which is when I get up every day cuz I get sick of trying to sleep. Last night was 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 5:30, and I got up. Since I started keeping the log last Wednesday night, I've had 3 nights like this. I'm so freaking tired and depressed.
Depression. Been on 40 of Celexa for years. My shrink (psychologist) wants me to add Cymbalta to the mix of meds. I see my pain management doc tmrw and will ask about it.
I'm a wreck. I'm thinking that maybe it's time to consider a permanent ostomy? I can't help but wonder if I'm trading one set of problems for another. I don't even wear contacts in my eyes because I don't want to deal with the maintenance! How am I going to manage with the supplies needed for an ostomy!? Although...I will save tons of money by not having to buy panty liners and pads! Wait, will I need them with an ostomy? Is that mucus stuff gonna leak? They seal up the butt for a perm ostomy, right?
I'm in real need of your help and suggestions. I'm depressed, discouraged, disgusted, disturbed, dysfunctional, and just "dis" everything. Is it time for me to get an ostomy? Or a gun...? Or what?
Everything that I've tried in the past has proven to be a temporary fix, so my cynicism is really soaring. Don't even start with suggesting things like Imodium and Metamucil wafers. If there's something "easy", I've tried it. Remember that I've been doing this dance for almost 12 years now...
Thanks in advance. Maybe I should go hang out in really dangerous neighborhoods. If I go to Richmond California often enough, statistics dictate that I'm bound to get shot eventually...!
(I'm posting in General Discussion because I have no real idea where this should go. Rant and Rave? Yes. Help, Need advice Now? Yes. Ostomy? I dunno...!)
I'm losing it. I've had my j-pouch since October 2001 (one-step surgery, so no experience with an ostomy.) I am just about ready to take a significant amount of pain meds in one dose and chuck it all. Life is not good in my body.
I've had leakage and pain since the very beginning. Actually, I've never NOT had leakage. Chronic pouchitis? Yep. Got that too. Scar tissue pain? Constantly. Blockages? Hell yes. Two requiring surgeries, and both surgeries yielded peritonitis and more surgeries, inflammation, and scar tissue. And then there's the on-going minor blockages that just cause wretched pain!
Sleep? Yea, no. I started keeping a log last week. My best night was pooping at 11:30, 1:30, 3:00, and 6:00, which is when I get up every day cuz I get sick of trying to sleep. Last night was 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 5:30, and I got up. Since I started keeping the log last Wednesday night, I've had 3 nights like this. I'm so freaking tired and depressed.
Depression. Been on 40 of Celexa for years. My shrink (psychologist) wants me to add Cymbalta to the mix of meds. I see my pain management doc tmrw and will ask about it.
I'm a wreck. I'm thinking that maybe it's time to consider a permanent ostomy? I can't help but wonder if I'm trading one set of problems for another. I don't even wear contacts in my eyes because I don't want to deal with the maintenance! How am I going to manage with the supplies needed for an ostomy!? Although...I will save tons of money by not having to buy panty liners and pads! Wait, will I need them with an ostomy? Is that mucus stuff gonna leak? They seal up the butt for a perm ostomy, right?
I'm in real need of your help and suggestions. I'm depressed, discouraged, disgusted, disturbed, dysfunctional, and just "dis" everything. Is it time for me to get an ostomy? Or a gun...? Or what?
Everything that I've tried in the past has proven to be a temporary fix, so my cynicism is really soaring. Don't even start with suggesting things like Imodium and Metamucil wafers. If there's something "easy", I've tried it. Remember that I've been doing this dance for almost 12 years now...
Thanks in advance. Maybe I should go hang out in really dangerous neighborhoods. If I go to Richmond California often enough, statistics dictate that I'm bound to get shot eventually...!