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I have had this pain before, it comes and goes and has been since before I had UC, unbelievably shooting and dull pain. Just laying here it throbs, making an appt probably tomorrow to see someone, anyone, I just hate that whenever I do try to get this squared away all anyone wants to do is give me pain meds to mask things. One thing that use to help way back when was naproxen. But I know that's an NSAID..would there be a problem with taking that for a month to see if I can knock it out for awhile again or with having this pouch should I stay away from it?
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Hi DG,
It sounds like it could be sacroilitis...and inflamation of the spine/hip/pelvic region...It seems like a lot of us have it or something similar...could be all of the abdomenal surgery, adhesions, or chronic inflamation due to autoimmune as thing that I have found that helps me (I have had it on the right side for about 9yrs) is walking. I saw a chiropractor, osteopath, physio-therapist and rheumy but they all told me pretty much the same thing...keep the zone in movement...and if execise or activity helps then it is inflamation...I am on NSAIDs permanently. I try to keep it to a strict minimum...mostly ibprophen morning and night at 400mg but when I am having a really bad flare I will bump it up to naproxine 250mg morning and 500mg night...when I start to have stomach issues they give me omopral to keep my tummy GP says that they are very bad for my kidneys but my rhumey says that at the doses that I am on I should be have to check with your gastro and/or your surgeon to see what they say.
I tolerated high doses of ibuprofen for years for my various aches and pains related to my IBD related arthritis (although at the time, it was undiagnosed). It was not until I went off the NSAIDs due to liver inflammation that I developed unrelenting upper buttock pain that radiated into my hips. It would alternate sides at times, and sometimes was bilateral. That was when I was sent to a rheumatologist and properly diagnosed. I am now on Simponi injections and doing much better. I ony use NSAIDs occasionally for a few weeks at a time for flares.

The key is the diagnosis.

Jan Smiler
Last edited by Jan Dollar
Depends on your plan. With my HMO, I needed a referral from my primary doctor for the rheumatologist. I just emailed him and he ordered x-rays of the Hips, SI joints and coccyx. Then he put in a referral to the rheumy. The rheumy took a detailed history, ordered screening labs, and a lumbosacral MRI, which showed ligamental inflammation. All my labs were negative, except for inflammation. My diagnosis was based on symptoms, the exam, and history.

Jan Smiler
A few weeks ago I had dull nonstop pain that ran vertically thru the middle of my left buttock. I could hardly walk but walking did relieve a little of the pain. Several people told me they thought it was sciatica. I started stretching my Hamstring muscle on that side. It hurt at first but within about a week the pain was gone. I was so happy I fixed that before going in for my reversal surgery. I did not see a doctor for the pain so I'm not sure what it really was. You my feel better consulting one.
Every once in awhile I have pain in my left buttock region close to the tailbone, but it only lasts a couple of minutes and kinda shoots down my left leg and then it eases up and is gone. It can happen no matter what I'm doing, even while I'm in bed. I was just doing a search and found this in case it helps anyone.

Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle, located in the buttock region, spasms and causes buttock pain. The piriformis muscle can also irritate the nearby sciatic nerve and cause pain, numbness and tingling along the back of the leg and into the foot (similar to sciatic pain).

These posting are old but I'm having similar things happening.  Thought from 2 jolts in a car accident.  Started with pain in my right butt cheek & would travel down my leg.  Now it it also lower back & the left side pain & down the back of my leg to my knee.  Went to chiropractor made it worse. Went to pain mgmt have had 4 injections.  Didn't help.  Now on pain meds & lots of ibuprofen.  When I sit I feel like it's pushing my tell bone up.  They say siatic nerve.  Start physical therapy on Monday.  Should I see a rheumatologist?

A rheumatologist won't help much if it's typical sciatica. Give the PT a chance, and if that doesn't help, consider a different (smarter?) pain management doc. A more optimistic approach would be to see a physiatrist, who might guide the PT in a more sophisticated way. Please be careful with the ibuprofen, which can lead to a nasty case of pouchitis. 

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