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I just have to say how tough this last month has been for me with the recovery from my takedown. I often hear stories about people going back to work 2 weeks after this last surgery and all I can say is wow, my hats off to you guys.. unfortunately for me I lost my job after my first surgery due to the expected time 4-6 weeks didn't match the actual recovery time which was more like 8-10 weeks... Even so, now that I had the takedown done, I can't fathom going to work not even now 4 weeks out.. I still have a lot of urgency (mainly due to gas I've noticed) and it gets worse as I switch positions or walk... One thing I'm having the worst time figuring out is, for those of you that do work or leave the house for an extended period of time.. how do you address the eating schedule? Take me for example, if I do leave the house (which I rarely do due to fear of an accident) I tend to not eat anything until I return home and plan on staying there for the rest of the evening... However, in doing this I increase my gas when I do decide to eat and then my incontinence kicks in and I'm passing stool and gas at the same time... But I'm afraid if I don't skip meals and try to go out... Ill be looking for every bathroom in the area much like my UC days... I guess that's why I dont go anywhere except Drs appts... I just want my life back, I used to be in the gym 6-7 days a week.. working 10+ hours a day... Social and now everything has been ripped away from me.. I know if the j pouch doesbt work out, I can always go back to the ileostomy but believe it or not I had an even harder time accepting that and I dont think I ever could.. too bad life doesbt have a rewind button.. if it did I might opt to keep my disease colon and take my chances... Ok probably not but I just want my normal life back... That's all I want... Sorry to vent/complain but its just how I'm feeling lately...
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Hi Manny! Hang in there! I remember always taking two immodiums right before I left the house in the early days after my takedown. My GI thought I was a little nuts for this but it helped me. One thing that did not help me was Metamucil. It made my abd. sore inside- I don't know why that happened and I just never could use it. It also caused me a lot more gas. Also, I remember every time I changed position in bed, I had the urgency and off to the bathroom I went. This stopped with time.The beginning is rough. Hang in there!
I have found that walking helps with gas or laying on your side, i have noticed helps too.
I am with you when it comes to the bathroom though,, it will be two weeks for me monday from leaving the hospital. i have been up for the lst 3 nights all night using the potty.Because of that i called and spoke with the nurse an she suggested metamucil cookies or immodium. So first I tried the cookies I ate t
2 before bed with a little gatorade and i made it all night without the bathroom then this morning i tried 1 immodium and this seemed ok throut the day today. from this morning until now i think ihave used the potty about 6 times, which i know in time the potty trips will decrease. I am still on a soft diet, my Dr. felt that I was not ready for meats, fresh fruit,or veggies. I am ok with that, during my hospital stay I developed a illeus and had to have a NG tube inserted for 3.5 days which was awful. Once again walking is the key to just about all of this. It helps reduce cramps,gas, and just helps things moving in the right direction. I pray things get better for you!!! ljk
I think skipping meals hurts more than it helps, your bowel produces gas when it's empty and gas is hard to retain. I eat something that slows down my gut in the morning (like a bagel with cream cheese or oatmeal with banana) and then I'm usually gas and BM free until the afternoon.

Are you eating things that make gas like eggs, dairy? Chewing with your mouth open, talking while eating, sleeping with your mouth open, drinking from a straw, chewing gum, drinking carbonated beverages?

I don't have personal experience but I've heard that SS disability claims are almost always rejected on the first try, then you have to appeal. I'm not a lawyer or anything, that's just what I've read around here.
Liz, I am guilty of some of the things you mentioned skipping meals, chewing gum, consuming dairy and carbonated beverages and talking while eating/ sleeping with my mouth open... I think my biggest issue is the skipping of meals... Im going to make a serious attempt beginning today to eat on a regular schedule, walk more and get out of the house... I think me confining myself to my house is just giving me more time to notice these things and probably making me think its worse then what it really is... Ill keep everyone posted on how I feel after making these changes :-)
I remember those early days and feel your pain. Here's my suggestions:

No carbonated beverages, per my surgeon and he was sooo right

I used metamucil and imodium per his schedule and he and I revised it the further out from take down I was. (I used generic metamucil capsules vs the mix in the water kind. We are to use less water than the instructions say so it will absorb more in our systems.) Fiber and Imodium 3 times a day with food. Imodium a 4th time at bed time. I took 3 capsules vs a full 5 capsules, or one dose of imodium for a long time. You need to figure this out for your self. I cut back to half of an imodium and then to just at bed time. This is the most important time. You will figure out how to adjust these as your pouch matures.

Super Digestive Enzymes by LifeExtensions or Solray and there are other brands. They are cheaper and work on more kinds of foods than Gas-X or Bean-O. You can get at health food stores or, etc.

Stay away from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Lean meat, eggs and cheese.

Bagels, mashed potatoes, pasta and bananas help firm things up.

Crackers for snacks too.

Rice Krispie treats are a good snack because they have marshmallows in them, but they do have sugar.

Greek and other yogurts.

Protein smoothies, I put in fresh or frozen fruits and later added vegetables. Make sure to use Imodium when eating these.

Can you file for unemployment or something because your prior job refused you family and medical leave after your first surgery?

Social security disability won't consider you for disability unless you are going to be disabled for at least 18 months, I think. The waiting period is 6 months before you can collect, unless there is a special waiting period. Do you have a state disability program or other program you qualify for? You certainly are temporarily disabled. I'm not an expert on disability, you probably have already talked to an expert. I'm hoping to help. I did qualify for SSD but have had on-going problems plus have other medical problems and am probably much older than you are. The younger you are the harder it is to qualify.

Good Luck and keep asking questions.

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