All of a sudden I have gone from watery loose stools to a partial blockage(I think from vegetable fiber) and now very slow bowels. I have been helped greatly by other posts on this site and right now I am starting VSL#3 in hopes of repopulating my gut with good bacteria and perhaps getting a little help with gassiness and bloating. I also have an appt. for a flex sig and rectal exam to see what my pouch looks like and to check for a possible stricture. Meanwhile, I may need to take some kind of stool softener or laxative which I don't like to do but I need relief from the discomfort of being intermittently backed up. Someone posted somewhere?? that stimulant laxatives were not recommended for pouchers. Is this right? Anyway, what laxatives or fiber products or stool softeners have been the most helpful for people? At present, getting fiber from fruits and veggies is not well tolerated.
Thanks, Savannah
2005 Dx UC
2009 ruptured colon/total colectomy/ileostomy
2010 two stage reversal to j pouch
2011 Partial spinal cord injury with temporary paralysis
Now: Minimal problems with j pouch; chronic but manageable neuropathy from the spinal cord injury but fortunate recovery of motor functioning. Pain meds may be slowing bowels.
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