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I had my take down about 6 months ago and I'm doing ok I guess. I use the bathroom quiet often to be honest though, maybe 10-15 times a day. Well I got sick of siting around by the bathroom all the time and went crazy one day. I was invited to a party and said screw it i'll go. Thinking that I'd be leaving not long after getting there. Instead I got real excited and started to drink a lot, hours went by with no problems. For some reason alcohol slows things down for me and I can actually feel normal for a change. What the hell? I mean, what the hell? I don't understand. I've been trying so hard to do good by eating right, taking Metamucil, amodium ad and still having problems. I don't understand why when I break down and stop caring and let lose geting drunk as hell I have no problems at all. So now since then I've been drinking everyday and its been helping. Any advice from someone cause I really don't want to become a alcoholic.
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Adding to the same idea: what happens if you choose not to go so often (i.e. delay going to the bathroom in spite of the signals you're getting)? I sometimes do that (e.g. if I'm watching a movie), and though it can be rather uncomfortable I like the sense of control it gives me. I wouldn't do that if it caused accidents, though.
I believe a lot of it is psychological. I've noticed when I'm out and distracted doing things I don't think about my pouch or the bathroom that often. When I am home laying around watching TV I focus on my pouch extremely and use the bathroom way more often. We are all nervous to go out and do things because we all know its a guessing game with our bathroom schedules but I believe when you are out being distracted by life that you realize you don't think about your pouch as often. Could also be the contents of beer your drinking. I always noticed that when drinking beer I would pee a thousands times but the craps usually come the next morning. Anyway I don't think you wanna trade one problem for another so like I said I would just involve yourself in activities that will be distracting and keep your mind off running to the bathroom all the time.
Back in my colon days (a whole two months ago!), I noticed that certain amounts of alcohol would slow me down. For instance, a couple of beers the night before would delay my morning BM/BMS by a couple of hours the next monring. After a big night, sometimes it would be 4pm/5pm in the afternoon the following day that I would have bms.

Alternatively, certain alcohols seem to speed me up also.

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