I never had any problems with gas when I was healthy or when I was sick with UC but now it seems I am always struggling with it and it is so uncomfortable, embarrassing, and my abdomen can get so tight and round it is very painful. And, plus, there is the added complication of running to the bathroom more often only to get there and just be able to pass minimal stool and mostly gas. It is so time consuming and frustrating. Does anyone have advice on practices, products, or magical chants that have been helpful with this problem? From posts I've been reading I know others suffer with this problem too. Personally, I try to do all the standard things: avoiding gassy foods, eating and chewing slowly with my mouth closed, getting lots of exercise, taking GasX, and blah, blah, blah. Nothing seems to reliably solve the problem. Are there better products or foods that I have not heard of that would treat this issue? Do you know any good tricks?? I really long for relief and a plan for how to cope with this in the years ahead. What things have been the most successful for you?)
Thank you. Savannah in Mpls. MN
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